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Showing results 1 to 10 of 46
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 The Role of Organizational Culture in Job Satisfaction and Turnover: A Study of Pakistani Employees Abbas, A.; Khan, R.; Ishaq, F.; Mehmood, K. Article -1557379324 681771031
2020 Gender Differences in Decision-making and Leadership: Evidence from Armenia Minasyan, D.; Tovmasyan, G. Article 882526212 501309781
2020 Collective Action on Public Goods for Sustainable Development: Ethics in Action Yiu, L.; Saner, R.; Bardy, R. Article -206649904 403275110
2020 Dark Triad, Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Workplace Incivility, and the Role of Islamic Work Values: A Moderated Mediation Model Chughtai, M.S.; Khanкова, H.S.U.D.; Shah, S.Z.A.; Yusrini, L. Article 968282607 -1441620567
2020 A Hidden Danger to Our Children’s Classrooms within Educational Leadership & Peering Practices Miller, A.D. Article -143866003 -1249913966
2020 Workplace Mobbing and the Role of Human Resources Management Mujtaba, B.G; Senathip, T. Article -1536034801 258352057
2020 Corporate Social Responsibility: A Cross-National Study of the Treatment of Consumers and Employees Tsalikis, J.; Seaton, B. Article -478068840 1962015843
2020 Examination of Agricultural Income Inequality in the European Union Kiss, L.B. Article 874843623 -1589082257
2020 Inclusive Sustainable Development in the Caribbean Region: Social Capital and the Creation of Competitive Advantage in Tourism Networks George, B. Article -1838613283 379658711
2020 Corporate Social Responsibility Practice in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic Alkubaisy, A. Article 1886639070 877424576