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Showing results 1 to 10 of 44
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 Entangled Entrepreneurial Competitiveness Advantage: An Opinion Paper Greco, F.; Matta, L. Article -1289617133 325925651
2021 Food Waste Loss Trend Index (FWLTI), A New Tool to Enable Management Decisions Zachár, J. Article 1998411112 -966023724
2021 A Model for Understanding and Changing the Practice of Leadership in Ukraine Linville, M.; Kliuchnikov, A. Article -545158581 1163598171
2021 Leadership and Decision Making among SMEs: Management Accounting Information and the Moderating Role of Cloud Computing Khaliq, A.; Umair, A.; Khaniukova, R.; Iqbal, S.; Abbas, A. Article -1556937009 -597753476
2021 Qality of Scientific Activity, Technology Transfer and Research Integrity: Case of Ukrainian University Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Krmela, J.; Krmelova, V.; Volk, I. Article 243386683 189304673
2021 Literature Review on Social and Organizational Acceptance of Digital Transformation Skrynnyk, O. Article 773441782 1529941431
2021 A Constructivist Approach to Visualise Organisational Agility Bundtzen, H.; Heckmann, M.; Hinrichs, G. Article -1441277168 -1122788825
2021 Procuring Covid-19 Vaccine and the Contemporary Geopolitical Paradigm for Bangladesh Ahmed, K.M.F. Article 2038180756 -449061478
2021 Popularity Dynamics of Social and Affordable Housing: Ethics vs Business Ianchuk, S. Article 946330997 -1519037032
2021 The Evolution of a Robust and Reliable Brand Experience Scale in the Malaysian Context: An Empirical Evidence AL-Fakhri, I.; Alabdullah, T.T.Y. Article -776234486 -135708217