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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Exploring the Interplay Between Digital Technology, Transformational Leadership and Agility for Enhancing Organisational Performance Yamin, T.; Murwaningsari, E. Article 239 192
2018 Strategic Human Resource Practices and its Impact on Performance towards Achieving Organizational Goals Khan, Y. Article -269165177 1879610987
2018 Relationship between Organization Culture and Managers’ Performance: Empirical Study of a Chinese University Ong, Y.; Yue, W. Article 885881376 -494245037
2018 Effect of Remuneration on Productivity of Academic Staff of Selected Tertiary Institutions in Bauchi State, Nigeria Aliyu, M.R.; Bello, H.S.; Bello, M. Article 1061374509 -1811523275
2020 Fostering Entrepreneurial Mentoring Culture for Sustainable Leadership Performance in Nigeria: Evidence from Selected SMEs in Ilorin Metropolis Brimah, B.A.; Rabiu, R.O; Bamidele, A.G.; Sheu, M.O. Article 1976079511 -854540285
2019 Factors Affecting Productivity of Managers: An Empirical-based Comparative Study Rajan, D. Article 24991207 1993541007
2023 Content and Bibliometric Analysis of Education as a Competitive Advantage of Business Kharchenko, D. Article 15369 18255
2019 Analysis of the Determinants of Social Capital in Organizations Mercado, M.P.S.R.; Vargas-Hernández, J.G. Article -1323615174 -1029924819
2023 A Qualitative Analysis of Organisational Commitment in an Algerian Pharmaceutical Industry Houfaf Khoufaf, A.; Nouiri, A. Article 1221301899 299483872
2022 University Administrative Employees’ Perceptions of Their Offices’ Physical Environment Comfort Ngcobo, S.; Mhlanga, J.S. Article 80363 51232