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Showing results 1 to 10 of 42
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Self-employment. The Case of Spain Santamaria, G.C.; Villanueva Alvaro, J.J.; Jimenez, J.M. Article 112147885 256629707
2018 Appraisal of the Salam Islamic Mode of Financing Agribusiness and Agriculture among Rural Farmers in Bauchi State of Nigeria Bello, H.S.; Galadima, I.S.; Jibrin, Al-M. A. Article -331668020 1327199459
2018 Comparative Analysis of Audience Perception of Globe FM (98.5) and Bauchi Radio Corporation’s (BRC) Political Programs During the 2015 Presidential Election in Nigeria Sale, M.; Bappayo, A.; Abubakar, A. Article 2075525104 42458617
2018 Forecasting Supply and Demand In the Regional Labor Market: In Search of Optimal Proportions of Financing Vocational Education Institutions In the Region Vasylieva, Tetiana Anatoliivna; Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Lopa, Liliana Volodymyrivna Article 1695969478 2066281131
2018 The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Activities for Economic Development: A Route to Innovation and Job Generation Khan, Y. Article -172794171 1474951338
2018 Vulnerable Employment is a Socio-Economic Challenge in Indian Perspective Gupta, A.A.; Guha, M. Article 429185828 460456200
2018 The Problems and Consequences of the Biodiversity Conservation: A Case Study from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan Bhandari, M.P. Article -2078729811 -1544475562
2018 Critical Analysis On Institutional Capital On Trade And Environmentally Sustainable Development Under NAFTA Vargas-Hernandez, J.G; Orozco-Quijano, E.P.; Virchez, J. Article -1972523891 -56545992
2018 Nexus between Infrastructure and Tourism Development Das, K.S.; Naskar, K. Article 2129583996 -557705696
2018 Tourism In Developing Countries. The Path Towards Sustainable Development And Its Interaction With The Local Communities, The Environment And The Human Factor Karaoulanis, A.; Vasiliki, A. Article -700825350 882005566