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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in the Republic of Benin Marcel, D.T.A. Article 171058670 -1783250252
2019 Trade Liberalization – Labor Productivity Nexus: The Case of Sub Saharan Africa Rakotoarisoa, M.A.; Khorana, S.; Narayanan, B.G. Article -1507934905 -1492341992
2019 Taiwan: Reference Of Good Practices For Latin America In Clean Industry Castro, Ed.F.A.O. Article -1190233638 338845160
2019 Understanding the Interconnectedness of Interna-tional Trade Theories: A Case in Point of Cuba in Transition Mujtaba, B.; Pellet, P.F.; Sungkhawan, J. Article -305021929 -484642972
2019 Competition among China and ASEAN-5 in the US Market: A New Extension to Shift-Share Analysis He, S. Article -343991046 -1074545727
2019 Racism In Germany And The Global Consequences For Premium Brands Zwerenz, D. Article -2059860197 1304867693
2019 Influential Factors of Green Consciousness in Bangladesh: A Prag-matic Study on General Public in Dhaka City Alam, J.; Rashid, B. Article -639960523 -996091023
2019 Sustainable Development: Is This Paradigm The Remedy of All Challenges? Does Its Goals Capture The Essence of Real Development and Sustainability? With Reference to Discourses, Creativeness, Boundaries and Institutional Architecture Bhandari, M. Article -51877622 2130193489
2019 Population Growths and Socio-Economic Development: An Analysis of Mettu Town of Ethiopia Singh, SN Article 1078275577 1868474779
2019 Effects of Regular Off-farm Activities on Household Agri-cultural Income: Evidence from Kenya’s Kerio Valley Rakotoarisoa, M.A.; Kaitibie, S. Article 11977235 40737251