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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth Nexus in the Republic of Benin Marcel, D.T.A. Article 171058670 -1783250252
2022 The effectiveness of employment in high-tech and science-intensive business areas as important indicator of socio-economic development: cross-country cluster analysis Koibichuk, Vitaliia Vasylivna; Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna; Хабенко, М.Є.; Habenko, M. Article 19757826 17778462
2022 Inflation, Foreign Exchange, Interest Rate, Trade Balance, Payment Balance on Growth In The Covid-19 Pandemic Sinaga, A.P.A. Article 4879 28598
2022 Public Investment in Human Capital and Economic Growth in Algeria: An empirical study using ARDL approach Ramli, M.; Boutayeba, F.; Nezai, A. Article 266967292 -247383716
2022 The impact of the innovation on the economy: an empirical analysis for Azerbaijan Zeynalli, L.; Huseynli, G.; Huseynli, M. Article -1424464636 -1143781976
2023 How far does the central bank influence its economies? The example of Algeria Messaoudi, A.; Derbal, F.Z.; Hasnaoui, M.; Belhamidi, H. Article 15497 11350
2021 Determinants of economic growth in the European Union. An empirical analysis of conditional convergence Holobiuc, A.-M. Article -1602438966 1691277274
2018 The Impact of Social Factors on Macroeconomic Stability: Empirical Evidence for Ukraine and European Union Countries Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych; Palienko, M. Article 39575151 52125622
2017 A new economic order for global prosperity Louis, R. Article 256700731 2066660452
2018 Human Development and Economic Growth in Pakistan Iqbal, K. Article -1418941266 -499806812