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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Behavioral Biases Influencing the Decision Making of Portfolio Managers of Capital Securities and Traders in Morocco Hadbaa, H.; Boutti, R. Article -1871797792 -627674196
2019 Corporate Governance and Economic Performance: The Limit of Short Termism Tommaso, F.D.; Gulinelli, A. Article -1583835369 418217090
2019 Impact of the Foreign Direct Investment on Economic growth on the Re-public of Benin Marcel, D.T.Am Article 1635508709 -1563043704
2019 Understanding the Nature of Accounts Using Comprehensive Tools to Understand Financial Statements Faccia, A.; Mosco, D. Article -938733707 1618805743
2019 An Assessment of the Relationship Between the Volume and Value of Ict Transin the Nigeactions rian Deposit Money Banks: 2007-2017 Adeyinka, A.J.; Daniel, A.A.; Adeniyi, D.J. Article -1661789532 1427576104
2019 Cross Border Acquisition of JLR: A Boon or Pain for Tata Motors Namita, Ms.; Gupta, Ms.Arzoo Article 723170016 246440918
2019 A Comprehensive Analysis of European Banking Soundness – Theoretical Study Naser, N. Article -1321632988 -255961446
2019 The Determinant of Economic Growth Evidence from Benin: Time Series Analysis from 1970 to 2017 Marcel, D.T.Am. Article 1786423690 -1195997815
2019 Big Data & Analytics as a sustainable Customer Loyalty Instrument in Banking and Finance Giebe, C.; Hammerström, L.; Zwerenz, D. Article -2135422607 1467310068
2019 Nexus Between Corporate Governance and Firm Performance in Malaysia: Supervised Machine Learning Approach Nur-Al-Ahad, Md.; Syeda, N.; Vagavi, P. Article -235875501 1424793392