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Showing results 1 to 10 of 43
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Macroprudential policy and financial stability, role and tools Bouchetara, M.; Nassour, A.; Eyih, S. Article -709061865 1223737901
2020 The New Italian Legislation on Corporate Governance and Business Crisis. The Impact of Covid – 19 on SMEs and the Recent Rules to Mitigate the Effects Tommaso, F.D. Article 780703195 1132174483
2020 An Analytical Study of Impact of International Merger and Acquisitions on the Financial Performance for Higher Education Institution in the United States Frederick, D.T.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -289629695 -1356438863
2020 Mind Theory and the Role of Financial Decision and Process Role of Optogenetics Njegovanović, A. Article 3464440 2209274
2020 Carbon financial markets underlying climate risk management, pricing and forecasting: Fundamental analysis El Amri, A.; Boutti, R.; Oulfarsi, S.; Rodhain, F.; Bouzahir, B. Article -1266122895 1714682361
2020 Household’s Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Supply Services in Mettu Town: An Assessment Singh, S.N Article 158618363 -615462681
2020 Business Friendliness, Firm Performance and Owner’s Optimism Kaya, H.D. Article -767118546 447526824
2020 Artificial Intelligence: Serving American Security and Chinese Ambitions Obeid, H.; Hillani, F.; Fakih, R.; Mozannar, K. Article -762756602 355214263
2020 Financial Decision Making in The Framework of Neuroscience / Anthropology with Review to The Pandemic and Climate Change Njegovanović, A. Article 305625918 545606017
2020 Natural Resource Rent and Financial Development Nexuses in Bangladesh: The Role of Institutional Quality Khan, M.A.; Kishwar, A. Article -2093938423 -1055275714