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Showing results 1 to 10 of 45
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Digital Currencies of Central Banks (CBDC): Advantages and Disadvantages Guley, A.; Koldovskyi, Artem Volodymyrovych Article -1401602742 697778201
2023 Financial Component of the Waste Management System Ziabina, Yevheniia Anatoliivna; Acheampong, S. Article 123064 111201
2023 Interaction between liquidity risk and bank solvency, a crucial effect in a framework of simultaneous equations Azzaoui, K.; Talhaoui, F.; Derrardja, N. Article 39011 7143
2023 The Modeling of the Probable Behaviour of Insider Cyber Fraudsters in Banks Yarovenko, Hanna Mykolaivna; Kuzior, A.; Raputa, A. Article 1032 981
2023 Evaluating The Significance of Uncertainty on Bank Liquidity: A Case Study of Ukrainian Banks in Russian Military Aggression Kryklii, Olena Anatoliivna; Jayasundera, A. Article 98846185 103044600
2023 Analysis and Forecasting the Price of the S&P 500 Index Using the Arima Model Dun, V. Article 565701 1272354
2023 Inefficiency of Financial Markets and Paths to the Development of a Modern Financial Theory Kobiyh, M.; El Amri, A. Article 63803 77303
2023 Firm’s Climate Change Risk and Firm Value: An Empirical Analysis of the Energy Industry Naseer, M.; Bagh, T.; Iftikhar, K. Article 164485021 1631817638
2023 Analysis of Financial Reports in Companies Using Machine Learning Piven, A. Article 7186461 1289744
2023 Effect of Exchange Rate on Stock Price Movement in Nigeria Adaramola, A.; Abere, M.; Ogiamien, O. Article 579689587 -2046702390