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Title Закон вартості – можлива об'єднуюча основа економічних теорій
Other Titles The Law of Value is the Basis of Economic Theories Maybe
Authors Zaitsev, Oleksandr Vasylovych  
Keywords класична економічна теорія
классическая экономическая теория
classical economic theory
неокласичні економічні теорії
неаклассические экономические теории
neoclassical economics
закон вартості
закон стоимости
law of value
закон попиту та пропозиції
закон спроса и предложения
law of supply and demand
взаємодія законів
взаимодействие законов
interaction of laws
Type Article
Date of Issue 2017
Publisher Ужгородський національний університет
Citation Зайцев О.В. Закон вартості – можлива об'єднуюча основа економічних теорій / О.В. Зайцев // Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія Міжнародні економічні відносини та світове господарство. – 2017. – Вип. 15. Ч.1 – С. 114-118.
Abstract У статті розглянуто особливості розвитку класичної економічної теорії та неокласичних напрямів. Звертається увага, що спільним є розуміння наявності законів в економічних процесах. Стверджується думка, що в економічних процесах закон вартості працює паралельно із законами неокласичної економічної теорії.
В статье рассмотрены особенности развития классической экономической теории и неоклассических направлений. Обращается внимание, что общим является понимание наличия законов в экономических процессах. Утверждается мысль, что в экономических процессах закон стоимости работает параллельно вместе с законами неоклассической экономической теории.
Money in the form of gold could not by themselves increase in its amount without increasing the amount of natural material gold. Gold had its own value of exchange which neoclassical political economy associated with the amount of labor input. When the money was from gold or exchanged for gold, the labor value law showed a dominant character. Now we have are such money that they can increase their quantity not through the material substrate - gold, but can increase their number by certain mechanisms of their use and application. From the middle of the twentieth century there is being an another factor influencing economic processes. This amount of not golden money in circulation. But the law of value continues to exist and act. In the modern economy there are two factors influencing economic processes, this is the amount of labor and the amount of money. Each of these factors has an independent impact on economic processes. Along with the law of value in parallel action and laws related to the amount of money. Under conditions when we have non-gold money operated the law of value and laws that reflect the quantitative monetary component of the market, such as, for example, the law of supply and demand. These laws are acting in parallel, act together, act simultaneously in time. The value of the exchange value (social value or labor value), measured by the amount of working time, remains one of the valid factors of economic analysis both in the classical economy and in the economic concepts of the neoclassical. But neo-classics apply the indicator of labor value in different measurement options (astronomical hours, man / hour, cash expenses on labor, etc.) but not in the classical way, and not in the form of identical physical and mental efforts of man. Until now there was no scientifically substantiated quantitative measurement of the value measured by working time. Sumy State University found such an indicator. On this basis, we believe that it becomes possible to determine separately the impact of the value as labor component on the market situation and the individual effect of the amount of money on the state of the same market. It also makes sense to explore the possibility of identifying a complex integrative indicator that may be formed under the influence of both the law of value and the law of demand and supply. We believe that indicators of the amount of money and the number of labor can become components of such an integral indicator. The main idea that reflects the essence of this article is the possibility of combining the development of classical and neoclassical economic theories based on the laws that have been developed in these areas.
Appears in Collections: Наукові видання (ННІ ФЕМ)


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