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Title | Інтегрований підхід до організації продажу в роздрібній торгівлі |
Other Titles |
Іntegrated approach to organization of sales in retail Интегрированный подход к организации продаж в розничной торговле |
Authors |
Жегус, О.В.
Keywords |
роздрібна торгівля розничная торговля retail trade збутова політика сбытовая политика sales policy інтегрований підхід интегрированный подход integrated approach канали продажу каналы продаж sales channels цифровий маркетинг цифровой маркетинг digital marketing мультиканальна стратегія мультиканальная стратегия multi-channel strategy омніканальна стратегія омниканальная стратегия omni-channel strategy |
Type | Article |
Date of Issue | 2017 |
URI | |
Publisher | Сумський державний університет |
License | Copyright not evaluated |
Citation | Жегус, О.В. Інтегрований підхід до організації продажу в роздрібній торгівлі [Текст] / О.В. Жегус // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. – 2017. – № 1. – С. 62-72. – DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2017.1-06. |
Abstract |
Розглянуто еволюцію маркетингу та каналів продажу під впливом розвитку інформаційно-
комунікаційних технологій. Проаналізовано особливості традиційного маркетингу, інтернет-маркетингу,
цифрового та постцифрового маркетингу та їх роль в організації продажу на підприємствах роздрібної
торгівлі. Розроблено рекомендації щодо інтегрованого підходу до організації продажу, що базується на
впровадженні омніканальної стратегії, яка передбачає використання усіх можливих каналів продажу та
комунікацій на єдиній платформі, що повинна забезпечувати високий рівень їх взаємозв’язку. В статье рассмотрена эволюция маркетинга и каналов продаж под влиянием развития информационно- коммуникационных технологий. Проанализированы особенности традиционного маркетинга, интернет-маркетинга, цифрового и постцифрового маркетинга, их роль в организации продаж на предприятиях розничной торговли. Разработаны рекомендации относительно интегрированного подхода к организации продаж, основанного на внедрении омниканальной стратегии, предусматривающей использование всех возможных каналов продаж и коммуникаций на единой платформе, которая должна обеспечивать высокий уровень их взаимосвязи. The aim of the article. The aim of the article is the prioritizing of sales channels forming by retailers with the development of modern information and communication technologies. Development of practical recommendations for implementing an integratedapproach to sales, based on the use of omni-channel marketing. The results of the analysis. Modern realities determine the necessity of the marketing innovations introduction in marketing policies of retailers. New channels of communication and sales appear under the influence of rapid development of information and communication technologies, global internet environment and the acceleration of informatization. Along with the development of Internet and digital marketing the approaches to formation of sales channels in retail have evolved. Depending on the chosen tools of Internet marketing, digital means and their relationship omni-channel or multi-channel sales strategy can be used. The basis of multi-channel strategy is the principle of channels linearity, the basis of omni-channel strategy is maximum integration of channels. Omni-channel strategy is an integrated approach to business processes on customer service, based on a coherent concept, a single platform of all selected channels to promote products and services. This approach allows the customer to freely move from one channel to another, thus obtain the necessary information to compare and choose the product, to make the decision and purchase. To implement an integrated approach to sales in retail trade enterprises need to: develop marketing strategy based on the use of traditional instruments and digital marketing; maximize the use of digital channels and means of communication as well as the interaction with potential buyers; direct efforts to all channels to enhance brand value; study not only purchasing, but «digital» behavior of customers in determining the availability of digital devices, how they use mobile apps, their readiness to use such apps when buying; ensure a high level of customer service and continuous optimization of interaction processes with customers; monitoroff-line and on-line competitors; develop and implement creative ideas during the design and development of digital content, marketing activities; involve experts from the digital marketing (marketing analytics, IT specialist, specialist in SEO, SMMmarketing, specialist and etc.), create appropriate organizational structure for the enterprise – departments, services; ensure a high level of integration and the relationship between sales channels. Conclusions and directions of further researches. The traditional (off-line) stores have been and remain an important part of the infrastructure of the consumer market, but in response to rapid changes in the environment and innovation in information and communications field they should intensify and expand the arsenal of marketing tools of interaction and impact on consumers. In this connection the stores that will offer customers new conceptual solutions, trying to expand the channels of access to their products and services, to provide a new service, will have the opportunity to build customer equity, its retention, and on this basis they will ensure a clear competitive advantage, the possibility of expanding their own market share, as a result – to increase revenues, profits; increase the effectiveness of the financial, economic and marketing activities. Research in omni-channel marketing are at an early stage, so most theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of enforcement and implementation require further study. It is necessary to focus on the development of conceptual frameworks and models used for omni-channel strategies, mechanisms of interaction between different channels, justification of omni-channel structures of sale. |
Appears in Collections: |
Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations) |



























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