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Title Аналіз і моделювання процесів інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти у контексті інноваційного розвитку
Other Titles Анализ и моделирование процессов интернационализации высшего образовании в контексте инновационного развития
Analysis and modeling of processes of internationalization in higher education in the context of innovative development
Authors Гринькевич, О.С.
Лутчин, Н.П.
Keywords інтернаціоналізація вищої освіти
интернационализация высшего образования
internationalization of higher education
транскордонна освіта
трансграничное образование
cross-border education
освітня мобільність
образовательная мобильность
educational mobility
міжнародна мобільність студентів
международная мобильность студентов
international student mobilit
кореляційно-регресійний аналіз міжнародної мобільності студентів
корреляционно-регрессионный анализ международной мобильности студентов
correlation and regression analysis of international student mobility
Type Article
Date of Issue 2017
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Гринькевич, О.С. Аналіз і моделювання процесів інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти у контексті інноваційного розвитку [Текст] / О.С. Гринькевич, Н.П. Лутчин // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. – 2017. – № 3. – С. 314-325. – DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2017.3-29.
Abstract У статті систематизовано методичний інструментарій аналізу інтернаціоналізації вищої освіти та інноваційних форм її прояву з точки зору геопросторового і процесного підходів. Визначено основні методологічні складові аналізу процесів інтернаціоналізації та мобільності у вищій освіті з урахуванням рівнів аналізу, його цілей, об’єктів, прикладних завдань та дослідницьких питань. Побудовано багатофакторну економетричну модель, яка характеризує привабливість країни для іноземних студентів залежно від рівня її економічного розвитку, конкурентоспроможності у сфері подорожей і туризму, а також позицій у міжнародних рейтингах університетів.
Систематизирован методический инструментрарий анализа интернационализации высшего образования и инновационных форм ее развития с точки зрения геопространственного и процессного подходов. Определены основные методологические составляющие анализа процессов интернационализации и мобильности в высшем образовании с учетом уровней анализа, его целей, объектов, прикладных задач и исследовательских вопросов. Построена многофакторная эконометрическая модель, характеризующая привлекательность страны для иностранных студентов в зависимости от уровня ее экономического развития, позиций в международных рейтингах университетов, конкурентоспособности в сфере путешествий и туризма.
Under the influence of globalization higher education provides the diversification of its functions − from teaching and research to the development of knowledge and innovation hubs − a critical mass of national and international “agents” involved in knowledge production and innovative activity. Internationalization is becoming one of the key factors of competitiveness of not only the education sector, but also the characteristic of the global innovative economy. The aim of the article. The aim of this research is to develop the methodology and methodological tools of the analysis of internationalization processes in higher education in the country in the context of global competitiveness and innovative development. The result of the analysis. The modern worldview understanding of globalization and internationalization processes in the educational field gives reasons to distinguish the following linked manifestations. Firstly, it is an objective process of the state of cordial relations and integration of national educational systems and their institutions in the global educational environment. Its main characteristic is the intensification of international activity in the implementation of the main functions of high school − research and teaching, and the emergence of educational hubs as innovative forms of institutionalization of these processes. Secondly, the policy and ideology of globalism and internationalism in education are manifested in the formation of cultural and spiritual values, socio-anthropological projects which in the future become a certain educational and cultural strategy of leading countries and aim to provide them with not only economic, but also socio-cultural dominance. Thirdly, the internationalization of higher education is manifested in the formation of new context/content of educational, scientific and other products, the content of which is based on recognized and accepted in the world international standards and knowledge of international, intercultural and global scale. The understanding of these interrelated and simultaneously contradictory manifestations of higher education internationalization is a necessary condition for defining basic methodological approaches to their analysis. Such approaches should take into account different levels (individual, institutional, national), aims and analysis objects (individual behavior, internationalization policy, academic mobility, institutional mobility environment), and respectively − provide setting of certain types of research and applied tasks. Their overall objective at the national level is improving the quality and competitiveness of higher education in the international education market. The investigation of the complex of key factors that form the directions and intensity of the flows of international academic mobility is important in the formation of an effective policy of higher education internationalization and appropriate strategies for their implementation. As a result of empirical research and usage of correlation and regression analysis methods the authors revealed the dependence of flows of foreign students in the country on universities’ international reputation, the attractiveness in the travel and tourism area, as well as on the country’s economic development. A corresponding multifactor econometric model that describes this dependence and provides analytical support for decisions in the field of strategic management of internationalization processes in the country is built. Conclusions and directions of further research. In globalization conditions the internationalization of educational content and its cross-border nature are becoming necessary conditions to ensure the competitiveness of the national education system, its institutions and individual participants. The complexity and ambiguity of internationalization processes cause the necessity of setting and implementation of various types of analytical tasks, the ultimate goal of which at the national level is identifying the factors of increasing higher education competitiveness due to its internationalization. The methodological tools of analysis of internationalization processes and higher education mobility in view of analysis levels and its main components are systematized in the article. International student mobility is one of the efficiency indicators of internationalization processes of higher education in the country, and hence − its competitiveness in the international educational market. The international reputation of country’s universities and its attractiveness in the travel and tourism area and the economic development level are crucial factors that provide increased flows of foreign students in the world, and in the long run − the development of their intellectual and social capital. The development of tourist attractiveness of the country, its regions and cities can be used as a special marketing innovation in the global competition in the educational services industry. The development of methods and tools for monitoring the processes of higher education internationalization in Ukraine aiming to assess their socio-economic efficiency is a promising direction for further research on the issues considered in the article.
Appears in Collections: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations)


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