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Title Підходи до забезпечення інформаційної безпеки промислового інтернету речей на підприємстві
Other Titles Подходы к обеспечению информационной безопасности промышленного Интернета вещей на предприятии
Approaches to provide information safety of the Industrial Internet of Things at the enterprise
Authors Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna  
Zavrazhnyi, Kostiantyn Yuriiovych  
Keywords інформаційна безпека
информационная безопасность
information safety
інформаційні технології
информационные технологии
information technologies
промисловий Інтернет речей
промышленный Интернет вещей
Industrial Internet of Things
програмне забезпечення
программное обеспечение
економічна ефективність
экономическая эффективность
economic efficiency
Type Article
Date of Issue 2017
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Сотник, І.М. Підходи до забезпечення інформаційної безпеки промислового інтернету речей на підприємстві [Текст] / І.М. Сотник, К.Ю. Завражний // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій. – 2017. – № 3. – С. 177-186. – DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2017.3-17.
Abstract У статті обґрунтовані перспективи розвитку Інтернету речей та промислового Інтернету речей, акцентована увага на економічних ефектах упровадження масштабних інформаційних систем управління виробництвом сучасних підприємств шляхом використання системних рішень класу ERP. Доведено, що погіршення інформаційної безпеки діяльності підприємств та організацій є однією з важливих проблем, що супроводжують розбудову промислового Інтернету речей. Проаналізовано підходи до забезпечення інформаційної безпеки промислового Інтернету речей у суб’єктів господарювання з урахуванням сучасних досягнень у сфері інформаційних технологій. Визначено основні підходи до економічного обґрунтування інвестицій у цей напрямок діяльності.
В статье обосновываются перспективы развития Интернета вещей и промышленного Интернета вещей, акцентировано внимание на экономических эффектах внедрения масштабных информационных систем управления производством современных предприятий путем использования системных решений класса ERP. Доказано, что ухудшение информационной безопасности в деятельности предприятий и организаций является одной из важных проблем, сопутствующих развитию промышленного Интернета вещей. Проанализированы подходы к обеспечению информационной безопасности промышленного Интернета вещей у субъектов хозяйствования с учетом современных достижений в сфере информационных технологий. Определены основные подходы к экономическому обоснованию инвестиций в данное направление деятельности.
The aim of the article is investigation of prospects of Industrial Internet of Things development, analyzing problems and approaches to provide its information safety for economic agents, as well as determining approaches to the economic substantiation of investments in this direction of activity. Results of the research. Modern development of information technology (IT) significantly enhances the effective business activity, creates innovation competitive advantages for companies. In this context, the spread of "smart" production systems becomes especially popular. These systems manage things without human intervention and form the basis of concepts of Internet of Things and Industrial Internet of Things. As the current direction of IT at the enterprise, Industrial Internet of Things enables operation processes developing and creates new options for the working environment as well as entirely new categories of jobs with their significant productivity increasing. In particular, it is confirmed by the economic results of implementation of large-scale information systems for production management at modern enterprises by using system solutions of ERP-class. As a result of such projects’ implementation, the overall efficiency of the company may be increased by 20% or more. Starting using technology based on the Industrial Internet of Things, companies need to plan every step to increase efficiency and to stimulate the creation of product-service hybrid solutions, focused on the result. For example, attempts to change the situation for improving assets’ efficiency can become the basis for the creation of new services. To encourage the spread of Industrial Internet of Things, enterprises need technical resources like IT infrastructure and labour resources like professionals with specific technical skills. Availability of necessary resources depends on firms’ investments in the infrastructure for collecting, storing and analysing data, as well as in staff. In addition, the development of IT causes companies to increase investment in information security provision due to rising number of information security violations and increased severity of their consequences. In terms of information security management, the company must ensure that the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its assets, information, data and IT services always meet the requirements agreed with the business. In this regard, the company's ability to ensure information security is a key source of value, and the need to embed security into product design becomes important. Today the quality and efficiency of enterprise's information system affect the final financial results through the quality of business processes. Companies that finance information security by residual principle can lose their competitive advantages. In addition, each firm has to solve the problem of how to consider expenditures in information security - as costs or investments and which approaches should be applied to their optimization. Typically, if the company has a long-term development strategy related to IT, it considers the information security expenses as investments and seeks to make them promising, resorting to assess their economic efficiency and optimize the structure of investments. The criterion of economically expedient limits of investment in Industrial Internet of Things information security at the enterprise can be defined as a degree of protection of interests of all persons and objects who are dependent on information and communications systems that provide information. Conclusions and directions of further researches. Modern development of IT provides companies with innovation competitive advantages and exacerbates the problems of information security provision for economic agents and cybercrime growth. The impact of information risks is realized through vulnerability of information systems that support different types of economic activities of industrial enterprises and through the companies’ losses due to leaks of confidential information, failures in information networks and systems. To prevent losses from cybercrime, companies should increase their investment in information security, guided by the criterion of economic expedient limits of investment, which provides sufficient protection from unauthorized access. Given the urgency of IT systems development and ensuring their information security for the industrial enterprises, further scientific researches should be devoted to the justification for the use the Balanced Scorecard as a system of company’s strategic management. The Balanced Scorecard should be based on the measurement and evaluation of enterprise’s efficiency with the help of the set of optimally matched indicators that reflect all aspects of the company.
Appears in Collections: Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations)


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