Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ННІ ФЕМ) [553]

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 553
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Analysis of tax revenues as the basis of budget revenue Berestovska, Yu. Masters thesis -785067160 -1914217840
2020 Digital-стратегія просування продукції компанії: сustomer journey mapping Шеремет, В.В. Bachelous Paper 1450448469 1320933066
2020 Drop-shipping new revolutionary trading Voloshyna, I.V. Masters thesis -1116485204 -1542269639
2020 Economic mechanisms of green energy business development Abou, Khalil Johaina Masters thesis -611287268 -12075166
2020 Economic principles formation of a human resources management in Industry 4.0 Raji Jawvad A., Masters thesis -2132022384 737707591
2020 Entrepreneurship management strategies Antoniuk, N.A. Masters thesis -903981717 519564006
2020 The essence of offshore and their influence on foreign economic activity Holovko, A.H. Masters thesis 7495000 -701038427
2021 HR-менеджмент в приватних медичних закладах (на прикладі медичного центру "Новий Зір" у м.Суми). Аналіз і перспективи Белік, Т.В. Masters thesis -2079044814 2049847831
2020 Impact of green supply chain on organizational performance Abulbire, T.A. Masters thesis 350704974 272028316
2020 Improving approaches to promoting business on the Internet Ngoh Sondi Doris, Masters thesis -2066249646 1583924259
2020 International company human resource management: the modern business-functional for company growth JIMOH Oluwaseun Mary, Masters thesis 256449697 2049126597
2020 Investment support of reproduction processes in Ukraine: problems and prospects Sakhno A.V., Masters thesis 209890260 970523390
2020 Management of business promotion for small company Hassan Rukayat В., Masters thesis -1838880439 1864873386
2020 Management of the financial resources formation for commercial banks Chasnyk Ye., Masters thesis -1961734244 644281017
2020 Optimization of cash management of the enterprise Horbatenko A.V., Masters thesis -838285559 1427293018
2020 Public-private partnership in the investment sphere Tverezovska O.I., Masters thesis -1307372373 -424972431
2020 Social Media Marketing як елемент стратегії продажів послуг (на прикладі кафедри управління СумДУ) Бабченко, Ю.Р. Bachelous Paper 675463501 -1284043163
2020 Stock market’s security in the context of strengthening the state financial security Shamkalo, K. Yu. Masters thesis 812932604 1135622583
2020 SЕО як ефективний інструмент digital-маркетингу Косторнова, С. О. Masters thesis 1009796610 -889707345
2020 Tax levers effects on the entrepreneurial activity development Kravchenko, D. Masters thesis 2019363235 1295181492