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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2021 The results of surgical treatment in patients with vertebral metastases Slynko, Ye.I.; Potapov, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych; Derkach, Yu.V. Article 213227323 117474045
2021 Effect of eugenol emulsion in polysorbate-80 on clinical strains of Candida albicans Polanska, V.P.; Fedorchenko, V.I.; Zachepilo, S.V.; Bobrova, N.A. Article 1061732708 421141890
2021 Antidiabetic effects of medicinal plants Ojetunde, A.O. Article -1812868053 622788955
2021 Clinical, morphological, and epidemiological characteristics of endometrial hyperplastic processes in Sumy region Tsyndrenko, Nataliia Leonidivna; Romaniuk, Anatolii Mykolaiovych; Nikolayenko, Y.R. Article 1166822315 1004669108
2021 Матриксні металопротеїнази як маркери ремоделювання дихальних шляхів і потенційна терапевтична мішень у хворих на бронхіальну астму Kachkovska, Vladyslava Volodymyrivna Article -1438961227 2081260009
2021 The relationship between decreased cognitive functions and the level of proinflammatory cytokines in patients with Аlzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and mild cognitive disorder Chyniak, Olha Serhiivna; Dubenko, O.Ye.; Potapov, Oleksandr Oleksandrovych Article 1393660891 -757079730
2021 Perinatal and hereditary risk factors of heart rate and conduction disorders in children with gastroesophageal refl Herasymova, O.M.; Savvo, V.M. Article 803804 2034057
2021 Therapy of patients with anxiety disorders and metabolic syndrome X Kaushanska, O.V.; Zaliavska, O.V.; Nika, O.M. Article -935159494 -1658308137
2021 Determinants of formation of true resistance to antihypertensive treatment in patients with arterial hypertension with concomitant obesity Psarova, Valentyna Hryhorivna; Kochuieva, M.M.; Kochuiev, G.I.; Tymchenko, H.A.; Hrek, I.I.; Kyrychenko, Nataliia Mykolaivna Article -1662014107 -1957750043
2021 The first experience of lymphotropic antibacterial therapy for acute pancreatitis Duzhyi, Ihor Dmytrovych; Shymko, Volodymyr V'iacheslavovych; Piatykop, Hennadii Ivanovych; Al Yamani, N.D. Article 95571376 123334867