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Title Державне регулювання національної економіки України з урахуванням соціо-економіко-політичних взаємозв’язків
Authors Kyrychenko, Kostiantyn Ivanovych  
Keywords національна економіка
державне регулювання економіки
регуляторна спроможність держави
соціо-економіко-політичні взаємозв’язки
ефективність політичних інститутів
соціальний розвиток
економічний розвиток
national economy
state regulation of the economy
regulatory capacity of the state
socio-economic and political interconnections
efficiency of political institutions
social development
economic development
Type PhD Thesis
Date of Issue 2019
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Кириченко, К.І. Державне регулювання національної економіки України з урахуванням соціо-економіко-політичних взаємозв’язків [Текст]: дисертація ... канд. екон. наук, спец.: 08.00.03 – економіка та управління національним господарством / К.І. Кириченко; наук. кер. Т.А. Васильєва. - Суми: СумДУ, 2019. - 246 с.
Abstract У дисертації розроблено методичні засади врахування впливу якості державного регулювання економіки та ефективності уряду на рівень економічного розвитку країни, визначення часових орієнтирів та економічних наслідків зміни регуляторної спроможності держави, чутливості соціального сектору економіки до регуляторних інтервенцій держави, оцінювання ефективності політичних інститутів в Україні, дослідження стійкості соціо-економіко-політичних взаємозв’язків та внутрішніх взаємозв’язків у системі "економічний – політичний – соціальний розвиток"; визначено концептуальні напрямки реформування системи державного регулювання економіки України з урахуванням соціо-економіко-політичних взаємозв’язків.
In the thesis the methodical principles for consideration of the influence of quality of state regulation of the economy as well as the efficiency of the government on the level of economic development of the country, for definition of timeline guidence and economic consequences of changes in the regulatory capacity of the state, for sensitivity of the social sector of the economy to the state regulatory interventions, for evaluation of the effectiveness of political institutions in Ukraine, for study of the stability of socio-economic and political interconnections as well as of internal interrelations in the system "economic - political - social development" have been developed; the conceptual directions for reforming the system of state regulation of the economy of Ukraine based on socio-economic and political interconnections have been determined. Methodical tooling, concerning integral designation and forecasting of the level of sustainability of socio-economic and political relationships that helps to distinguish the level of balancing of the impact of state regulatory interconnections on the economy, social progress and the efficiency of political institutions, as well as to take into account the system’s interconnections and the complementary impact of economic, social and political development, has been set up. Estimation results have shown that during 2010- 2011 the integral level of sustainability of socio-economic and political interconnections in Ukraine was critical, during 2013-2015 these relationships were quite stable, and in 2012 and during the forecast period 2017-2022 would remain unstable. Time lags have been substantiated, after which the macroeconomic parameters react most noticeably to changes in the regulatory capacity of the state, their significance is predicted in the medium term. According to the results of the study, it has been concluded that the growth of the regulatory capacity of the state positively and without lag affects the balance of the current account to GDP, GDP growth and GDP per capita. The maximum strength of the relationship between this parameter and total government final consumption expenditure in relation to GDP takes place within a lag of 1 year (the effect is direct). Within a delay of 2 years, the growth of the regulatory capacity of the state most strongly and negatively affects the gross accumulation of capital to GDP and the export of goods and services; within a 4-year lag, it affects total reserves most strongly in months of imports (inverse connection) and the ratio of total exports and imports to GDP (direct connection). Within a 5-year lag, the response of the GDP deflator (inverse connection), the import of goods and services, and employment (direct connection) to the growth of the regulatory capacity of the state is most noticeable. The influence of the quality of state regulation of the economy and the effectiveness of the government on the integral indicator of social development and its components, which characterize the demographic situation, level, safety, education and health of the population, social relations and social activity in the country, ensuring gender equality and public trust in institutions, has been substantiated. The study has shown that in Ukraine, the state’s regulatory ability influences demographic indicators, gender equality, and public health parameters to the highest degree. Improving the quality of state regulation of the economy significantly affects the credibility of institutions, social activity and social ties, while increasing the efficiency of government contributes to improving the social development of the country. The approach of distinguishing the efficiency of political institutions of Ukraine which provides an integrated generalization of the parameters of political stability and the absence of violence in the country, the effectiveness of the government, the quality of government regulation, the rule of law, corruption control, taking into account the strength and nature of relations between them has been developed. It has been revealed that in Ukraine the greatest response to political decisions is shown by such indicators as political stability and absence of violence, government effectiveness, quality of government regulation, rule of law, corruption control. Their generalization within the integral indicator and assessment of its dynamics for Ukraine has shown that in 2002-2007 it increased at insignificant rates, in 2007-2014 the tendency changed to downward, and since 2014 – again to an increase. Meanwhile, the absolute value of this indicator for the entire period of 2002-2016 corresponded to a low level. A toolkit has been developed for predicting the influence of the integral level of the sustainability of socio-economic and political interconnections of social development indexes, the effectiveness of political institutions and the elasticity of macroeconomic transformations to changes in the level of regulatory capacity of the state. While forecasting for 2012-2020, increase in the impact of social changes in Ukraine would reduce the integral level of stability of socio-economic and political interrelations, whereas in 2012-2022 it would increase. The impact of economic transformations and the effectiveness of political institutions is positive in both time horizons of forecasting, but the impact force decreases as the forecasting period is prolonged: by a factor of 9 and 2, respectively. The most significant in the medium term would be the impact of economic transformations on political ones, while in the long-term – the impact of political on social ones. The impact of social transformations on economic ones in the medium term would be minimal, while in the long-term, political changes would sustain an economic effect.
Appears in Collections: Дисертації


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