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Title Маркетингова збутова політика інноваційно активних промислових підприємств
Authors Olefirenko, Oleh Mykhailovych  
Keywords маркетингова збутова політика
промислові підприємства
збутовий потенціал
збутові витрати
ринок збуту
канали конкуренції
місткість ринку
інноваційні проекти
marketing sales policy
industrial enterprises
sales potential
sales costs
sales market
competition channels
market capacity
innovation projects
Type Synopsis
Date of Issue 2019
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Олефіренко, О.М. Маркетингова збутова політика інноваційно активних промислових підприємств [Текст]: автореферат ... д-ра екон. наук, спец.: 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / О.М. Олефіренко. - Суми: СумДУ, 2019. - 37 с.
Abstract У дисертації наведено теоретичне узагальнення й запропоновано нове розв’язання наукової проблеми розвитку теоретико-методологічних засад і методичного забезпечення формування та реалізації маркетингової збутової політики інноваційно активних промислових підприємств. Здійснено структуризацію підходів до визначення сутності інновацій; виявлено основні тренди в розвитку інноваційної діяльності в Україні за 2014– 2018 рр.; визначено специфіку, основні принципи та логіко-структурну схему формування й реалізації маркетингової збутової політики інноваційно активних промислових підприємств; удосконалено методологію обгрунтування факторів впливу на їх збутовий потенціал; виявлено закономірності залежності ефективності його використання від циклічності розвитку економіки та рентабельності продажів інноваційної продукції; обгрунтовано детермінанти зростання її рівня; удосконалено методологічне підгрунтя оптимізації джерел фінансування інновацій та структури витрат на маркетинг і збут промислових підприємств, визначення ефективності реалізації інноваційних проектів та конкурентної позиції інноваційно активних промислових підприємств України, вибору ними стратегії реалізації маркетингової збутової політики, формування регіональної збутової мережі, визначення оптимальних меж місткості ринку інноваційної продукції та центрів активізації впливу на цих ринках.
The thesis is aimed to develop theoretical basis methodology and methodical support for forming and realization of the marketing sales policy of innovatively active industrial enterprises of Ukraine. Marketing sales policy of innovatively active industrial enterprises should be simultaneously based on traditional principles of marketing, sales policy, innovation, as well as specific principles among that principles market potentiality, limited rationality, extended cyclicality, advance and parity adjustments were substantiated. Design and implementation of marketing sales policy were proposed to conduct by conforming the determinants of the current level of innovatively active industrial enterprises sales potential and opportunities for its expanding, network and structure innovative production distribution channels transformation, optimization of marketing and sales costs, stage of enterprise and products life cycles, market competitive relations and enterprise competitive position and sales profile, prospects of cooperation with other companies. Dependence of innovatively active industrial enterprises’ sales potential from the influence of internal managerial, productive and commercial parameters was assessed by logit-regression model of the sales volume binary indicator response on the changes in the levels of staff qualification, technological readiness of the enterprise to innovative updates, concentration and loyalty of customer base, product line innovation and cost-effectiveness of sales. Increasing the volume of financing of innovative production sales relatively to the total sales costs, as well as increasing customer loyalty were defined the main determinants of an expanse of the sales potential utilization efficiency for innovatively active industrial enterprises in engineering based on the multiple regression analysis results. The hypothesis about dependence of innovatively active enterprises’ sales potential utilization efficiency from the cycle of innovative production sales profitability and economic cycle was substantiated and empirically confirmed. Therefore, the imposition of internal sales profitability cycle on the macroeconomic cycle determines an occurrence of time lags in the sales potential utilization efficiency of innovatively active industrial enterprises. Trend-cycles models of time series developed in the thesis allow revealing the duration of GDP cycle for Ukraine, individual cycles of sales profitability for innovatively active industrial enterprises in engineering and time lags of reaction of sales potential efficiency on marketing sales policy measures implementation. The methodology and methodical instruments of the optimization of sources of innovations financing structure was improved in the thesis. The offered approach is based on nonlinear econometric modeling taking into account existing limitations of potentially available volumes of different financial sources evaluated by the system of one-factor and multiple linear and non-linear equations of financial resources volumes dependency from different economic factors. The new methodology of optimizing the costs on implementing marketing sales policy of innovatively active industrial enterprises was performed in the thesis. It provides formalizing the relationship between sales costs, revenue of enterprise and demand on innovation production and estimating the level of sales costs corresponding to the maximum level of innovatively active industrial enterprises revenue, determined by discrete Fourier transformation and regression analysis. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of innovative projects implementation by Ukrainian companies in the thesis combination of an additive model of estimating a set of efficiency parameters and a trinomial model of cost formation was proposed. In the thesis it is substantiated, that identification the competitive position of innovatively active industrial enterprises in the sale of innovative production have to be carried out by determining the integral indicator of competition and its spectral analysis; evaluation the structure of marketing sales policy channels and definition of the competitive position of enterprises in each of the innovation policy sales channels. This made it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the innovatively active enterprises in engineering industry, as well as to form strategic directions for the intensification of the marketing sales policy tools in terms of price, market and financial channels of its implementation. In the thesis methodology for determining the optimal capacity limits of the innovatively active enterprises in engineering industry market of Ukraine was offered. Market capacity should be defined as a ratio of the sales (lower limit) and market potential (upper limit), which maximizes the efficiency of the engineering market, which was realized by the use of regression analysis, Harrington function and game theory. The strategy of marketing sales policy of the innovatively active industrial enterprises should be chosen on the basis of an analysis of the position of the enterprise in a three-dimensional matrix, the coordinates of which are generalized indicators of market capacity, the profile of innovative products, the level of competitiveness of the innovatively active industrial enterprise in the innovative production sales market. Methodical principles of grouping of innovatively active, innovatively inactive industrial enterprises of Ukraine and industrial enterprises implementing organizational and marketing innovations were deepened on the basis of k-means cluster analysis, construction of tree dendrograms and two-way joining procedure. The methodology of identification of the centers of activation and directions of influence of the innovatively active industrial enterprises marketing sales policy, which was offered in the thesis provides formalizing the explicit and implicit links between the countries in the course of implementing the marketing policy of the innovatively active industrial enterprises by the methods of cognitive analysis, taking into account the specificity and progress of the economic development of the partner countries.
Appears in Collections: Автореферати


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