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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Development prospects of youth-friendly clinics under healthcare reform Matvieieva, Yuliia Tahibekivna; Paul, S.; Honchar, T. Article 744490636 754744839
2020 Management in the private clinics: impact of the health care reforming Saienko, M.; Hrechanychenko, O.; Prasol, L. Article -814558144 -726009470
2020 Basic principles of financing of against COVID measures by the Bank of International Settlements Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna; Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Qiu, Hongzhou Article 769868285 549995428
2020 Basic financing principles of anti-covid measures: the case of the bank for international settlements. Taraniuk, Karina Viktorivna; Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Diakonova, Iryna Ivanivna Article 1806754736 105178928
2020 Ensuring healthy environment: mechanisms of cluster structures development in the field of waste management Mishenin, Yevhen Vasylovych; Yarova, Inessa Yevhenivna; Klisinski, J.; Rak, A. Article -889348660 2108560674
2020 Green transformations in the healthcare system: the covid-19 impact Us, Yana Oleksandrivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Tambovceva, T.; Segers, J-P. Article -601005441 -1299536162
2020 The impact of health care financing on the economic growth: EU countries analysis Samoilikova, Anastasiia Viktorivna; Kunev, R. Article -2085957376 -1623241094
2020 The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on business activities in Ukraine Boronos, Volodymyr Mykolaiovych; Zakharkin, Oleksii Oleksandrovych; Zakharkina, Liudmyla Serhiivna; Bilous, Y. Article 888059176 -1691581208
2020 Health management at the regional level: multivariable performance assessmen Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; Shipko, A.; Pajak, K.; Motrechko, V. Article -1321768403 -43571780
2020 Recommendations for increasing the motivation of medical staff on the example of the regional clinical hospital Matlai, Olha Ivanivna; Grabowska, M.; Kolesnyk, D. Article 1774498196 2099500517