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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Understanding telemedicine strategies through field-based observations, interviews and benchmarking activities Burrell, D.N. Article 1209 704
2022 Public Health Projects in Ukraine Piven, Daryna Andriivna; Us, Yana Oleksandrivna Article -1573894742 666645793
2020 Ensuring healthy environment: mechanisms of cluster structures development in the field of waste management Mishenin, Yevhen Vasylovych; Yarova, Inessa Yevhenivna; Klisinski, J.; Rak, A. Article -889348660 2108560674
2020 Health management at the regional level: multivariable performance assessmen Demikhova, Nadiia Volodymyrivna; Shipko, A.; Pajak, K.; Motrechko, V. Article -1321768403 -43571780
2023 Analysis of accidental transmission impacts in the chain «waste management system – public health» Ziabina, Yevheniia Anatoliivna; Khomenko, Liliia Mykolaivna; Osei Owusu, E.K. Article -1658104112 1776595208
2021 Green University as an Element of Forming a Sustainable Public Health System Kyrychenko, Kostiantyn Ivanovych; Laznenko, Dmytro Oleksiiovych; Reshetniak, Yaroslav Viacheslavovych Article 189490347 -938079519
2021 Management of Urban Amenities in the Context of Public Health Care for Local Communities Kolomiiets, Svitlana Volodymyrivna; Jakubowska, Ag.; Horeva, Yevheniia Yuriivna Article 229883860 80130600
2023 Influence of Waste Incineration and Obtaining Energy from it to the Public Health for Certain Territories: A Bibliometric and Substantive Study Matvieieva, Yuliia Tahibekivna; Sulym, Viktoriia Vasylivna; Rosokhata, Anna Serhiivna; Jasnikowski, A. Article 430738 1040800