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Title Методологія формування та реалізації бізнес-стратегії банку
Other Titles The Methodology of formation and Realizing of Bank Business Strategy
Authors Гончаренко, Т.П.
Keywords банк
стратегічне управління
екзогенне середовище
ендогенне середовище
управління ризиками
business strategy
business model
strategic management
exogenous environment
endogenous environment
risk management
Type Synopsis
Date of Issue 2021
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Гончаренко, Т. П. Методологія формування та реалізації бізнес-стратегії банку : автореф. дис. ... д-ра екон. наук : 08.00.08. Суми, 2021. 38 с.
Abstract У дисертації наведено теоретичне узагальнення й запропоновано нове вирішення наукової проблеми розвитку теоретико-методологічних засад і методичного забезпечення формування та реалізації бізнес-стратегії банку. Поглиблено методологічний базис стратегічного менеджменту банку на основі обгрунтування зв’язку бізнес-стратегії та бізнес-моделі банку; структуровано науковий доробок з питань стратегічного менеджменту та бізнес-моделі банку; розроблено модель циклічної трансформації бізнес-моделі банку; обгрунтовано релевантні екзогенні детермінанти формування бізнес-стратегії банку; удосконалено методологію визначення бізнес-стратегії банків України; розвинуто методологічні засади вибору бізнес-стратегії банку в умовах конкурентного середовища; поглиблено методичне підгрунтя формування фінансової стратегії банку на основі комплексного аналізу його фінансового стану; розвинуто методологічні засади визначення якісних параметрів реалізації фінансової стратегії банку в системі "ризик – прибуток"; розроблено методологію оцінювання ефективності бізнес-стратегії банку за критерієм максимізації прибутковості; удосконалено методичний інструментарій ідентифікації причин економічної неефективності бізнес-стратегії банку; удосконалено науково-методичний базис підвищення економічної ефективності бізнес-стратегії банку; розроблено методологію прогнозування трансформації структури бізнес-стратегії банку в Україні; вдосконалено методологічне підгрунтя комплексного оцінювання впливу зовнішнього середовища на трансформацію бізнес-стратегії банку; запропоновано методологію визначення трансформації бізнес-стратегії банку під дією комплексу екзогенних та ендогенних детермінант.
The thesis is aimed to develop theoretical basis methodology and methodical support for forming and realization of the banks business strategies in Ukraine. The bank's business model should be considered as a formalized result of strategic management, which determines the basic patterns of making key strategic management decisions and should maximize the added value of shareholders simultaneously with control of risks. The bank's business model comprehensively coordinates its chosen business strategy with the components of the management system, is formed under the influence of exogenous and endogenous determinants, ensures compliance of the chosen business strategy with the requirements of banking regulation and supervision and allows achieving defined quantitative and qualitative strategic goals. Dynamic analysis of the number of scientific publications on strategic management and business model of banks showed that during 1991–2004 the focus of scientific attention were issues related to the business model of banks, in the period 2005–2010 the issue of forming a business model of banks was studied simultaneously with the issues of strategic management, and since 2015 the focus of research has been on the topic of strategic management of banks. The results of bibliometric analysis showed the presence of 5 clusters that summarize the context of research on strategic management of banks, as well as 7 clusters – on the business model of banks. In conditions of exogenous and endogenous fluctuations, the strategic management of the bank should be based on the model of cyclical transformation of the banks business model, which is based on the criteria of the bifurcation point, allows to ensure the viability and sustainability of the bank at each phase of its life cycle, takes into account the alternative of business strategies at the bifurcation point under the influence of development attractors. The paper substantiates the determinants of the influence of the external environment on the formation of business strategies of banks through a combination of PESTanalysis and the principal component analysis. The main drivers of political, legal, economic, social and technological influence were identified, which determine the features of the formation of business strategies of banks focused on domestic and international markets for banking services. The definition of business strategies of banks should be carried out taking into account the internal parameters of banks (sources of funding, areas of investment, stability of banks), as well as taking into account the current state and dynamics of the banking services market. The proposed methodology for determining the business strategies of banks is based on the methods of cluster analysis and expert assessments, which revealed 15 business strategies used by banks in Ukraine. The study of the relationship between the level of competition in the banking services market and the choices of banks business strategies allowed to determine the list of business strategies of banks chosen due to the competitive environment in the banking services market and to determine the vectors of their transformation. Choice the financial strategy of the bank should focus on the value of the integrated indicator of the financial condition of the bank, which includes blocks of financial stability, liquidity and business activity, profitability, assessed by the coefficient method. The paper formalizes the integrated levels of risk and profit management of the bank, provides their qualitative interpretation and determines the current state of effectiveness of the bank's financial strategies in the coordinate system "risk-return" for banks and in the market of banking services. According to the results of the taxonomic analysis 85 surveyed domestic banks, none of the banks showed a high level either in the risk management system or in the profit management system. The methodology of determining the economic efficiency of business strategies of banks by the criterion of maximizing profitability (as a combination of its relevant indicators) and taking into account a set of input indicators of the bank's business processes by using the methods of DEA-analysis. The reserve of unused opportunities to implement business strategies of banks is determined and the endogenous and exogenous natures of the reasons for the bank’s lack of economic benefits in the implementation of its business strategy are identified. The identified areas of improving the economic efficiency of the implementation of business strategies of banks are based on the principles of benchmarking analysis. This allowed identifying the leading and outsider banks by the criterion of maximizing profitability, to determine the list of reference banks for each outsider and to formalize the goals of improving the business strategies of outsider banks within their used or alternative business strategies. Modeling of the forecast structure of banks business strategies in Ukraine in the medium term showed the presence of a common vector of their transformation from targeting specialized market segments to diversification. There has been a significant reduction in the share of banks using traditional and investment business strategies. Instead, a significant expansion of the use of the universal business strategy and the strategy of interbank borrowing and expansion is expected. Modeling of the integrated impact of the external environment on the choice and transformation of business strategies of Ukrainian banks showed that since 2014 there has been almost a twofold increase in the impact of external shocks on the functioning of the banking business. This allowed establishing a radical change in the approach of banks to take into account the external environment in the formation of their business strategies – from partial consideration to the consideration of the external environment as a basis for choosing a business strategy. The proposed methodology for determining the trajectories of transformation of business strategies of banks depending on endogenous and exogenous determinants of banks on the basis of an integrated indicator of transformation of business strategies summarizes the integrated nonlinear indicators of risk management and profitability in the environment. This allowed substantiating the basic vectors of transformation and tools for optimizing the business strategies of domestic banks.
Appears in Collections: Автореферати


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