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Title | Феномен віри у контексті світоглядних засад людини |
Other Titles |
Faith phenomenon in the context of the human beauty ways |
Authors |
Корнієнко, О.
Keywords |
віра знання людина почуття світ світогляд сумнів установка faith knowledge man feeling world worldview doubt installation |
Type | Article |
Date of Issue | 2018 |
URI | |
Publisher | Сумський державний університет |
License | In Copyright |
Citation | Корнієнко О. Феномен віри у контексті світоглядних засад людини // Світогляд-Філософія-Релігія. 2018. Вип. 13. С. 117-123. |
Abstract |
У статті аналізується світоглядний підхід як більш ефективний, з точки зору автора, для розуміння феномену віри, яку автор розглядає як самодостатній феномен духовного життя людини. Виходячи із сутності самого світогляду, на думку автора, можна підійти до вирішення багатьох проблем, які виникають в процесі дослідження віри. Як приклад дієвості даного підходу автор звертається до творчої спадщини одного із вітчизняних корифеїв з даної проблематики, представника Київської філософської (світоглядно-антропологічної) школи В. І. Шинкарука. The article analyzes an ideological approach as more effective, from the author’s point of view, for understanding the phenomenon of faith, which the author regards as a self-sufficient phenomenon of spiritual life of a person. Based on the essence of the outlook itself, in the opinion of the author, one can approach the solution of many problems that arise in the process of studying faith. As an example of the effectiveness of this approach, the author turns to the creative heritage of one of the national luminaries on this issue, a representative of the Kiev philosophical (ideological–anthropological) school of V.I. Shynkaruk. Faith is a philosophical world-view category, which is a manifestation of the spiritual and practical measurement of a man. Therefore, the question of its essence, its social functions, its role in the development of the spiritual world and the practical life of a person, etc. is logically explored through the categorical structure of the worldview. The worldview as an integrative integrity of rational and irrational, spiritual and practical, ideal and real allows us to reach the understanding of many aspects of the Faith, the understanding of the Faith as a certain integrity, the Faith as a phenomenon of both religious and nonreligious aspects. Faith is an important phenomenon of the spiritual life of a man. It manifests itself in the perception of the probability of true knowledge as probable in the situation when it is necessary to solve vital tasks, and there is no reliable knowledge and can not be yet. This world-view category is a prerequisite for the creative potential of a person, because it provides the ability of an individual to overcome self-restraint (such components of the inner world of the man as experience, knowledge, sensory images in memory can restrict or even hinder creativity at all). Faith is an incentive for a certain action in relation to the surrounding circumstances; it is capable of transforming random circumstances into spiritual self-realization. Therefore, new experience, new knowledge are the result of human activity, its scientific and cognitive activity. Faith acts as a powerful existential resource. In difficult life periods, man’s faith passes a test of strength, and a person who has kept faith in himself, in good, in people, in life –preserves himself as a personality, the integrity of the image of his future and the very possibility of the future. However, faith is not something static, there is always some sort of doubt –a space for spiritual work; otherwise, with a clear conscious faith, it can become blind, fanatical, degenerate into illusion. Work with faith is the work with the deepest, intimate level, integrating the personality, the basis of world outlook and the deep attitudes that shape the future and determine the present. Restoration and strengthening of faith, as a spiritual existential resource, allows the most complete way to reveal the powerful and creative sources of the human spirit, the ways of creative transformation of oneself and reality. |
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Світогляд - Філософія - Релігія |



























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