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Title “Всесвітня чутливість” як світогляд та основа творчого методу Г. Гавриленка – художника
Other Titles “World sensitivity” as a worldview and the basis for the creative method of G. Gavrilenko - the artist
Authors Pobozhii, Serhii Ivanovych
Keywords ригорій Гавриленк
творчий метод
Grigoriy Gavrilenko
creative method
Type Article
Date of Issue 2018
Publisher Сумський державний університет
License In Copyright
Citation Побожій С. І. “Всесвітня чутливість” як світогляд та основа творчого методу Г. Гавриленка – художника // Світогляд-Філософія-Релігія. 2018. Вип. 13. С. 182-192.
Abstract У статті розглядається творчість українського художника Григорія Гавриленка. Відмічається “всесвітня чутливість” як ознака світогляду та основа творчого методу митця. Звертається увага на культурософську концепцію як методологічну засаду мистецької практики художника. Аналізуються пошуки жіночих образів в ілюструванні книги “Vita Nova” Данте Аліг’єрі та поезії О. Пушкіна. Зазначається, що завдяки всечутливості Г. Гавриленка до світової культури його мистецтво є надбанням європейської культури ХХ століття.
The article considers the works of Ukrainian artist Grigory Gavrilenko. The “world sensitivity” is marked as a sign of the worldview and the basis of the creative method of the artist. Attention is paid to the cultural-philosophical concept as a methodological ambition of the artist's artistic practice. The searches of female images in the illustration to the book “Vita Nova” by Dante Aligieri and to the poetry by A. Pushkin are analyzed. The features of universalism in creativity are defined in the context of the development of the ideological and cultural-philosophical concept of G. Gavrilenko. The understanding of the role of art by the Ukrainian artist as a force directed toward Light and Good is pointed out. The role of the category of harmony in creativity is important. The emphasis is on the concept of a fundamentally new compositional construction of the drawings to Dante's work “Vita Nova”, which is based on calm verticals and horizontals. The image of Beatrice in the context of the search for female images by the artist in the 60's of the twentieth century. The fundamental work “Two Women in Nature” from the collection of the National Art Museum in Kyiv and its influence on the formation of a fine system. The analogy of the female image of the triptych “Summer” from the collection of the Sumy Regional Art Museum with the corresponding image to the book “Vita Nova” is conducted. The emphasis is on the idea of “global sensitivity” in the analysis of works A. Pushkin by F. Dostoevsky. The article points that the emergence of the cycles of illustrations called “Suite inspired by Pushkin's lyric poetry”, drawings with pencil, pen and ink “The search for female images” and colored linogravures in the 70's of the twentieth century became the next stage and the creative style of the artist. Diptych “Mikhailovskoe” and its role in the cycle of works on Pushkin's themes. Lifeliness as an element of the worldview of Pushkin and G. Gavrilenko. It is noted that due to the sensitivity of the Ukrainian artist G. Gavrilenko to the world culture his art is the property of European culture of the twentieth century. The corresponding stylistics of works to the poetry of Pushkin in the sense of the artist's understanding of the concept of “style of the era” and “artist style” is recognized.
Appears in Collections: Світогляд - Філософія - Релігія


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