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Title | Внесок періодичних видань української діаспори в розвиток генеалогії (друга половина ХІХ - початок ХХ століть) |
Other Titles |
Contribution of Ukrainian diaspora periodical literature to genealogy development (mid-to-late 20th – early 21st centuries) |
Authors |
Lobko, Nataliia Viktorivna
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Keywords |
генеалогія діаспора періодичні видання Українське генеалогічне і геральдичне товариство Олександр Оглоблин В’ячеслав Сенютович-Бережний Любомир Винар genealogy diaspora periodical literature Ukrainian Genealogical and Heraldry Society Oleksander Ohloblyn Viacheslav Seniutovych-Berezhnyi Antin Kushchynskyi Luibomyr Vynar |
Type | Article |
Date of Issue | 2021 |
URI | |
Publisher | Сумський державний університет |
License | In Copyright |
Citation | Лобко, Н. В. Внесок періодичних видань української діаспори в розвиток генеалогії (друга половина ХІХ - початок ХХ століть) // Сумська старовина. 2021. № LIX. С. 21-32. DOI: |
Abstract |
В статті автор аналізує публікації з генеалогічної тематики, що були
надруковані в періодичних виданнях української діаспори у другій половині
ХХ ст. - початок ХХІ ст. Проблемами української генеалогії в еміграції
займалися О. Оглоблин, В. Сенютович-Бережний, А. Кущинський, Л. Винар.
Результати досліджень українські вчені-емігранти викладали на сторінках
різних періодичних видань української діаспори, таких як "Український
історик", "Визвольний шлях", "Сучасність". Це - генеалогічні розвідки,
історично-біографічні студії, автобіографічні матеріали, присвячені життю
та діяльності різних політичних, культурних діячів. In this article, the author analyzes works on genealogy published in the periodical literature of the Ukrainian diaspora in the mid-to-late 20th – early 21st centuries. Genealogy is a specialized history subject addressing an issue of reconstitution of the past of ancestry, designation of family connections. During the Soviet period, genealogy as science did not develop, although Ukrainian genealogy studies continued thanks to scientists working in emigration. In 1963, they established Ukrainian Genealogical and Heraldry Society. Such scientists as Oleksander Ohloblyn, Viacheslav Seniutovych-Berezhnyi, Antin Kushchynskyi, Luibomyr Vynar worked on problems of Ukrainian genealogy in emigration. Their scientific work was not studied in the Soviet historiography because these scientists were considered “Ukrainian non-Soviet nationalists”. Now, the times have changed, and their scientific heritage draws more and more attention from modern researchers, but the question of the contribution of the Ukrainian diaspora periodic literature to the development of genealogy isn’t covered enough in the historiography. Ukrainian emigrated scientists published the results of their studies in such journals of the Ukrainian diaspora as Ukrainskyi Istoryk, Vyzvolnyi Shliakh, Suchasnist. On the pages of these journals, one can find genealogical explorations, historical and biography projects, autobiographical materials, dedicated to the life and work of various political persons and cultural figures. Such explorations included date and place of birth, names and surnames of parents, parents origin, and all information about the person in the article, as well as information about their spouse and children. The author believes that such interest in genealogical information by emigrated scientists could be explained, firstly, by the desire to preserve the generational bridge and memory about their origin. Secondly, researchers understood that genealogical information often shed light upon deeds and views of the influential personalities of that period. Moreover, genealogy can provide materials helping to find out the role and meaning of family connections and relations in the process of personality development. Comparing the publications of diaspora journals dedicated to various outstanding people to the publications in the Soviet periodical literature, we can make the following conclusions. Diaspora scientists paid more attention to the lineage of a person and tried to bring to the reader’s attention all information. At the same time, it was improper to talk about this in the Soviet Union, as it could result in negative consequences. Having analyzed the genealogical materials, published in the various periodical literature of the Ukrainian diaspora mid-to-late 20th century, the author has made the following conclusions. Ukrainian genealogical research continued thanks to scientists who worked in emigration. In their explorations, they paid attention to the lineage of a person and tried to bring all the information to the attention of the readers. Nevertheless, diaspora scientists weren’t able to conduct profound genealogical studies, because they were distanced from genealogical sources kept in the Soviet archives. For sure, it made the basis of their studies much narrower and that is why these scientists had to process the materials they brought with them or to look for new ones in the local archives and libraries. |
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Сумська старовина |

























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