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Title Класифікація та джерела доказів в адміністративному судочинстві.
Authors Kolesnikova, Mariia Viktorivna  
Пасьовин, І.А.
Keywords поняття доказів в адміністративному судочинстві
the concept of evidence in administrative proceedings
класифікація доказів
classification of evidence
джерела доказів
classification of evidence
письмові докази
written evidence
заключение эксперта
expert opinion
электронные доказательства
electronic evidence
Type Article
Date of Issue 2021
Publisher Університет сучасних знань
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Колеснікова М. В., Пасьовин І. А. Класифікація та джерела доказів в адміністративному судочинстві // Журнал східноєвропейського права. 2021. №95. C. 138.
Abstract У зазначеній статті розглянуто поняття доказів в адміністративному судочинстві. Наведено класифікацію доказів та проаналізовано джерела доказів в адміністративному судочинстві такі як: пояснення сторін, визнання стороною обставин, показання свідків, письмові докази, речові докази, висновки експертів та електронні докази.
The article discusses topical issues of classification of evidence, as well as the definition of sources of evidence in administrative proceedings. The subject of this work is the study of the national legislation of Ukraine: the Code of Administrative Procedure of Ukraine and the Law of Ukraine "On Forensic Expertise". Analysis of all kinds of studies and articles by domestic scientists on the concept of evidence in administrative proceedings.The purpose of this article is to define and research the classification and sources of evidence in admin-istrative proceedings. The article defines the concepts of evidence, classification of evidence, sources of evidence. The study of these terms helps to better understand the issue of evidence in administrative proceedings. The types of evi-dence in administrative proceedings are analyzed and the essence of this classification is revealed and exam-ples of such evidence are given. The article also identifies the sources of evidence in administrative proceed-ings. Each source has been researched and analyzed in detail in order to fully understand the concept of evi-dence. Thus, the terms “witness”, “witness testimony”, “written evidence”, “documents”, “material evi-dence”, “forensic examination”, “expert conclusions”, as well as the relatively new concept of “electronic evidence” have been disclosed. The difference between material evidence and electronic evidence from other evidence in administrative proceedings is indicated. Despite the norms of the law, practitioners still have questions as to whether certain data can relate to evidence in administrative proceedings, whether they are important in a case. Another problem is that few sci-entists are interested in this topic, but only consider the general characteristics of the evidence. This character-izes the relevance of the study of types and sources of evidence in administrative proceedings. On the basis of the study, a conclusion was made regarding the definition of the classification and sources of evidence and their significance in administrative proceedings.
Appears in Collections: Наукові видання (ННІП)


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