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Title Formation of intercultural communicative competence in the language learning process of foreign students: a comparative analysis of arts and crafts
Authors Cherniakova, Alina Viktorivna
Khalifeh, H.
Enyenihi, D.
Keywords міжкультурна комунікативна компетенція
іноземні студенти
вивчення мови
intercultural communicative competence
foreign students
language learning
Type Conference Papers
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License In Copyright
Citation Chernyakova A. V., Khalifeh H., Enyenihi D. Formation of intercultural communicative competence in the language learning process of foreign students: a comparative analysis of arts and crafts // Наукова спільнота студентів ХХІ століття : матеріали VІI Всеукраїнської науково-практичної студентської онлайн-конференції, м. Суми, 24-25 квітня 2024 р. / упоряд. : О. П. Сидоренко, Л. В. Біденко, І. С. Левенок. Суми : Сумський державний університет, 2024. С. 63-72.
Abstract The formation of intercultural competence should be connected with the development of personality students, their readiness to participate in the dialogue of cultures based on the principles of cooperation, mutual respect, tolerance for differences in cultural traditions and overcoming cultural ones barriers. An important task in the process of language training of foreign students is the introduction of interactive forms and methods of educational work. In classes of Ukrainian language as a foreign language, considerable attention is paid to respect for the cultures of all representatives of the student environment, in particular, the implementation of comparative studies of values, traditions, and cultural heritage of different countries. Cultural diversity is a basis of human civilization, shaping societies in many ways. The article compares traditions in the field of art in Nigeria (Yoruba), Syria and Ukraine.
Appears in Collections: Наукові видання (ІФСК)


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