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Title Global financial crises: their manifestations, consequences and preventive measures
Authors Joel, Ata-Baah
Keywords Фінансові кризи
Financial crises
прояви криз
manifestations of crises
наслідки криз
consequences of crises
заходи щодо попередження криз
measures to prevent crises
Type Bachelous Paper
Date of Issue 2024
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Joel Ata-Baah Global financial crises: their manifestations, consequences and preventive measures : bachelor's degree work : specialty 292 - international economic relations / research advisor F.O. Zhuravka. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. 36 p.
Abstract The purpose of this bachelor’s qualification paper is to study various manifestations of global financial crises. It is realized by accomplishing the following tasks: 1) To identify and analyze the causes, triggers, and warning signs of financial crises at a global scale. 2) To examine the preventive measures and regulatory reforms implemented in response to global financial crises. 3) To provide insights into effective strategies for international cooperation and coordination in crisis prevention and response. The object of the research is global financial crises. The subject of research is the manifestations, consequences, and prevention measures of global financial crises.
Appears in Collections: Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ННІ БіЕМ)




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