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Title Improvement of the ecological efficiency of synthetic motor fuel production in Ukraine
Authors Shulga, I.
Kyzym, M.
Kotliarov, Y.
Khaustova, V.
Keywords energy security
alternative fuels
CO2 emission
Type Article
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Creative Commons Attribution - NonCommercial 4.0 International
Citation Shulga I., Kyzym M., Kotliarov Y., Khaustova V. (2024). Improvement of the ecological efficiency of synthetic motor fuel production in Ukraine. Journal of Engineering Sciences (Ukraine), Vol. 11(2), pp. H11–H25.
Abstract Solving the problem of improving energy security is one of Ukraine’s challenges in modern conditions. One of the ways to solve this problem is to organize the production of synthetic motor fuel from the available domestic carbon-containing raw materials. The relevance of developing the production of synthetic motor fuel in Ukraine from non-oil raw materials is associated with the shortage of deposits of traditional crude hydrocarbon and the destruction of the last processing capacities due to russian aggression. The article aims to substantiate the possibility of efficiently producing synthetic motor fuels from the available mineral hydrocarbon raw materials. Analyzing the existing deposits of hydrocarbons allowed for determining low-metamorphosed coal as the most expedient raw material base. A comparative analysis of various technologies made it possible to suggest the organization of the production of synthetic motor fuel through indirect hydrogenation, followed by fuel synthesis in the Fischer–Tropsch process. Calculations performed for low-metamorphosed Ukrainian coal showed the technical and environmental efficiency of the hydrogen enrichment of synthesis gas. To enrich synthesis gas with hydrogen, it was proposed to cooperate with producing synthetic motor fuel with coal mines (suppliers of raw materials, including methane for the production of additional hydrogen) or coke ovens and by-product enterprises that produce hydrogen-rich coke oven gas.
Appears in Collections: Journal of Engineering Sciences / Журнал інженерних наук



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