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Title The of marketing research organization mechanism at the enterprise entering the international market
Authors Holubenko, M.А.
Keywords маркетингове дослідження
marketing research
організаційний механізм
organization mechanism
міжнародний ринок
international market
стратегії виходи на ринок
market entry strategies
методи маркетингового аналізу
marketing analysis methods
конкурентне середовище
competitive environment
глобальні ринкові тенденції
global market trends
процес дослідження
research process
розробка маркетингової стратегії
marketing strategy development
розширення міжнародного бізнесу
international business expansion
ринкові можливості
market opportunities
збір маркетингових даних
marketing data collection
конкурентна перевага
competitive advantage
процес прийняття рішень
decision -making process
Type Masters thesis
Speciality 292 - Міжнародні економічні відноси
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Holubenko M. A. The of marketing research organization mechanism at the enterprise entering the international market : master's qualification work : specialty 292 - international economic relations / research advisor V. O. Shcherbachenko. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. 42 p.
Abstract The purpose of the master's level degree qualification paper is to study the organization of marketing research at ADIDAS, to identify proposals for improving the marketing research system at ADIDAS. To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set: 1. To determine the economic essence and objectives of marketing research; 2. To determine the types and role of marketing research as the basis for determining marketing strategies; 3. To determine the stages of organizing and conducting marketing research in modern conditions; 4. To investigate the financial and economic characteristics of the activities of ADIDAS; 5. To assess the effectiveness of using marketing research results at ADIDAS; 6. To substantiate proposals for improving the enterprise's marketing research system.
Appears in Collections: Кваліфікаційні роботи здобувачів вищої освіти (ННІ БіЕМ)


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