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Title Methodical instructions for practical lessons on the topic "Functional and laboratory examinations in children with gastrointestinal disorders" on the discipline "Pediatric propaedeutics"
Authors Smiian, Oleksandr Ivanovych  
Horbas, Viktoriia Anatoliivna  
Keywords пропедевтика
Type Working Paper
Date of Issue 2024
Publisher Sumy State University
License Copyright not evaluated
Citation Methodical instructions for practical lessons on the topic "Functional and laboratory examinations in children with gastrointestinal disorders" on the discipline "Pediatric propaedeutics" / comp. : O. I. Smiyan, V. A. Horbas. Sumy : Sumy State University, 2024. 30 p.
Abstract Therefore, it is essential to consider the generalized reaction of the child's body to the pathological process when dealing with digestive organ diseases. In this way, prescribing a comprehensive examination for the child, taking into account their constitutional features and premorbid background, becomes crucial. Only through a comprehensive comparison of anamnestic data, results of objective, laboratory, functional, and instrumental examinations can a complete understanding of the overall functional and morphological changes in the body be obtained. This approach helps to clarify the features, course, and severity of the process, make an accurate diagnosis, and choose a rational treatment method.
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