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Title Види інформаційної діяльності судів в Україні
Other Titles Types of information activity of courts in Ukraine
Authors Sugonyako, Natalia Vladimirovna  
Keywords information activity
court activity
types of information
types of information activity
execution of the function of justice
Type Article
Date of Issue 2020
Publisher Enigma Corporation
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Citation Сугоняко Н. В. Види інформаційної діяльності судів в Україні // European Political and Law Discourse. 2020. Vol. 7. Is. 5. Р. 231-236. DOI: 10.46340/eppd.2020.7.5.26.
Abstract The article analyzes the legislation currently in effect in Ukraine that deals with the problem of making the legal regulation in the area of the information activity of courts more efficient. The analysis defined the criteria for typization of the information activity of courts and, consequently, the types of such information activity. The information activity of courts is understood as an accumulation of certain systematic and purposeful actions of courts with a view of creating material or non-material wealth to meet the information needs or interests of those interested according to the procedure established by the legislation currently in effect. Information activity in general and information activity of courts, in particular, can be divided into three main groups, including the following: a) information activity intended to produce information (creation); b) information activity intended to meet the interests of the parties of information activity with the help of certain actions using information; c) information activity connected with the provision of the rights and interests of the parties of information activity.
Appears in Collections: Наукові видання (ННІП)




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