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Showing results 2901 to 2920 of 94765
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2023 Determination of the relationship between lifestyle and impulsive purchasing behaviour Ocel, Y.; Mutlu, H.T.; Bayat, M. Article 1167605 1396717
2015 Determination of the territories’ financial independence taking into account «financial potential» and «the level of shadow economy» indicators Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Boronos, Viktoriia Heorhiivna Article 15536438 1089457218
2011 Determination of thermal activation energy and grain size of iron hexadecachloro phthalocyanine thin films Koshy, Raji; Menon, C.S. Article 1399395721 1399590166
2020 Determination of Thickness and Optical Parameters of Thin Films from Reflectivity Spectra Using Teaching-Learning Based Optimization Algorithm Patel, Sanjay J.; Jariwala, Akshay; Panchal, C.J.; Kheraj, Vipul Article -782748829 -788564675
2014 Determination of wavelengths which correspond to taken propagation constant of planar waveguide by wave equation Fourier transform method Romakh, V.V.; Fitio, V.M. Article 328860883 504370705
2015 Determining key determinants of demand for international reserves in ukraine: cointegration analysis Makarenko, Mykhailo Illich; Гордєєва, Д.В. Article -1738929501 -988388956
2017 Determining of patterns of distribution and concentration of white pulp in various parts of the human spleen using scanning electron microscopy Bumeister, L.V.; Galeta, E.O. Conference Papers 1947881262 -1418412969
2017 Determining prerogative by factors of significance, logical or programming controller Didenko, I. Conference Papers 916153493 1169787895
2020 Determining the effect of anthropogenic loading on the environmental state of a surface source of water supply Ponomarenko, R.; Pliatsuk, Leonid Dmytrovych; Hurets, Larysa Leonidivna; Grigorenko, N.; Sherstiuk, M.; Miakaiev, O. Article 30956414 95344475
2015 Determining the impact of the tax administration quality on tax competitiveness of the country Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna; Євченко, Н.Г.; Sysoieva, Larysa Yuriivna Article 1546201596 -185344307
2022 Determining the levels of regulatory effectiveness of tax instruments at the national level Voronenko, Viacheslav Ihorovych; Otych, M. Conference Papers 404237 665418
2021 Determining the main regularities in the process of mineral fertilizer granule encapsulation in the fluidized bed apparatus Ostroha, Ruslan Oleksiiovych; Yukhymenko, Mykola Petrovych; Bocko, J.; Artiukhov, Artem Yevhenovych; Krmela, J. Article -1962879123 -1140180874
2022 Determining the medical and biological safety of meat-containing polycomponent products based on regional raw materials Pasichnyi, V.; Tischenko, V.; Bozhko, Nataliia Volodymyrivna; Marynin, A.; Moskaluyk, O.; Geredchuk, A. Article 14186184 15472017
2021 Determining the nutritional value and quality indicators of meat-containing bread made with hemp seeds flour (Cannabis sativa L.) Bozhko, Nataliia Volodymyrivna; Pasichnyi, V.; Tischenko, V.; Marynin, A.; Shubina, Y.; Strashynskyi, I. Article 832381106 966252388
2022 Determining the Optimal Directions of Investment in Regional Renewable Energy Development Sotnyk, Iryna Mykolaivna; Kurbatova, Tetiana Oleksandrivna; Romaniuk, Yaroslavna Serhiivna; Prokopenko, O.; Gonchar, V.; Sayenko, Y.; Prause, G.; Sapiński, A. Article 305437 179817
2020 Determining the Rating of Ukrainian Banks on the Risk of Legalization of Illegally Obtained Income Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Kuzmenko, Olha Vitaliivna; Mynenko, Serhii Volodymyrovych; Kwilinski, Aleksy; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych Article -1953422278 1128022598
2019 Deterministic Modeling for Evaluating Consumers’ Attitude towards Telecommunication Service in Bangladesh Neger, M.; Bhuiyan, Md.Z.H.; Chowdhury, Md.H.K.; Hossain, A. Article 1059993571 -1725160062
2018 Determitation of Economics Losses Due to the Illegal Withdrawal of Capital Abroad in the Conditions of Financial Globalization Kobushko, Ihor Mykolaiovych; Kobushko, Yana Volodymyrivna Book chapter 9565 8756
2013 Detoxicant and hepatoprotective effect of cystamine dihydrochlorid in acute intoxication by carbone tetrachloride Vysotskyi, Ihor Yuriiovych; Kachanova, Alla Anatoliivna; Vysotskaya, E.I.; German, O.M. Conference Papers -67451012 840658228
2017 Deutsche Worter mit Migrationshintergrund Yermolenko, Svitlana Vasylivna; Tokar, A. Conference Papers 59657275 26961510