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Showing results 5809 to 5828 of 94765
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 Gut microbiota metabolites connections with echocardiography atrial fibrillation characteristics in patients with coronary artery disease Melnychuk, I. Article 62 52
2008 Gynecomastia in adults Dienye, N.; Ibanga, Ifrece; Shevchenko, Volodymyr Porfyrovych Conference Papers 789225354 1182479856
2012 Gyppokrat - der altgriechische arzt Vasilenko, O.; Trufan, V.; Dikun, N. Conference Papers 5154700 2605918
2017 H-Point standard addition method для визначення суміші харчових барвників жовтого "Захід сонця" (Е110) та тартразину (Е102) Волобой, А.О.; Сидорова, Л.П. Conference Papers -1547480573 1035582150
2010 Hacker writing style Bashlak, Iryna Anatoliivna Conference Papers -1632049522 2074955684
2013 Haematological parameters in pregnant women hepatitis B infection in Nigeria Orluvosu, O.C. Conference Papers -1600494644 -174651947
2006 Haemomicrocirculatory system of pericardium during prenatal ontogenesis Dzevulska, I.V.; Kovalchuk, O.I. Conference Papers 42455576 53183610
2020 Haiku texts as the innovation means of learning/teaching foreign language Kozlovska, Hanna Borysivna Article 996586450 47892232
2011 Hall Effect in Multilayers Based on Pd and Fe Tkach, Olena Petrivna; Hryschuk, О.S.; Hovorun, Tetiana Pavlivna; Odnodvorets, Larysa Valentynivna Article -2034854980 1823965659
2017 Hand-foot-and-mouth disease (HFMD) у Дніпропетровському регіоні Будаєва, І.В.; Ревенко, Г.О. Conference Papers 174304298 65824590
2021 Handling the Crisis: A Keynesian vs. Austrian Analysis of the “Great Recession” Fast, R. Article -458080667 -1986079760
2014 Hard Alloy Synthesis from Tungsten-containing Electroerosion Powders of Micro- and Nanometric Fractions Ageev, E.V.; Kirichek, A.V.; Altuhov, A.Yu.; Ageeva, E.V. Article 1217151774 1644247990
2014 Hard drive disk and memory storage Ushakov, Y.V.; Trubayev, V.S. Conference Papers -1124687603 -591479504
2012 Hard nanocomposite coatings, their structure and properties Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Береснев, В.М.; Береснев, В.Н.; Beresnev, V.M. Article -1729291534 -314806982
2015 Hard Si-C-N Chemical Vapor Deposited Films Porada, O.K.; Kozak, A.O.; Ivashchenko, V.I.; Dub, S.M.; Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych Conference Papers 1956050342 1957387116
2014 Hardening of Structural Steel by Pulsed Plasma Treatment Zhukeshov, A.M.; Gabdullina, A.T.; Amrenova, A.U.; Ibraimova, S.A. Article -1345150641 1742414569
2017 Hardness of water and its impact on the human body Shvachko, D. Conference Papers 1273212580 -1160021550
2016 Hardware and Software Approach to Control Streamlined Surface of Aircraft Tovkach, S. Conference Papers 1211717693 325405771
2016 Harmful components of cosmetics Dychenko, Tetiana Vasylivna; Kolo, L.; Chibueze, M. Conference Papers 2102167864 685877931
2013 Harmful Factors of the Environment and Their Impact on the Health of Bank Employees Honcharova, M.L.; Turcheniuk, T.V. Preprint 44688587 76844911