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Showing results 6021 to 6040 of 94765
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2006 How to reduce enterprise ecological payments and to save nature Symonenko, Mariia Yuriivna Conference Papers 18271985 16692478
2013 How to run a successful marketing Mykhailenko, D.; Morozova, Iryna Anatoliivna Conference Papers 5487770 3981867
2010 How to save energy in your home Zolotova, Svitlana Hryhorivna; Papus, I.A. Conference Papers 1626980137 -889746310
2015 How to sell any product Ivanova, T.E. Conference Papers 1072707208 193300670
2004 How to start with angling, but not to disturb the nature surround Ved, I. Conference Papers 31795500 25391018
2017 How to stop water pollution Tiazhkorob, Y. Conference Papers -2080566385 1815324643
2022 How to Sustain Businesses in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Focus on Innovation, Sustainability and Leadership Oe, H.; Yamaoka, Y.; Duda, K. Article 2113242036 2129359655
2013 How to Teach students of Economics Written Tests in English Соколова, І.В. Article 289751 507678
2011 How to test student's vocabulary Hladchenko, Oksana Robertivna; Yarmak, Liubov Pavlivna Conference Papers 650335694 920277728
2012 How to use mind maps in your ESL classroom Фоміних, Н.Ю. Article 109748227 194857720
2012 How trickle-down economics works Lavrynenko, A. Conference Papers 151399452 806575564
2020 How variability of learning activities enhances students’ cognitive independence Lytvynets, M.; Koturha, Y.; Mikhno, Svitlana Vasylivna Conference Papers 4403376 4463609
2024 How VLOG Promotion Content Influences Consumer Attitudes Jiang, L.; Yukio, K. Article 4074689 1764717
2020 HR management considering race, gender, and social status Дейнека, М.Ю.; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna; Liulov, Oleksii Valentynovych Conference Papers 2044133024 1420728578
2021 HR management in private medical institutions Ziabina, Yevheniia Anatoliivna; Kwilinski, A.; Belik, T. Article 1582354692 -235328205
2019 HR Management in the Digital Age: the Main Trends Assessment and Stakeholders Chygryn, Olena Yuriivna; Karintseva, Oleksandra Ivanivna; Kozlova, D.D.; Kovaleva, A.V. Article -1204505341 410693940
2009 HR в органах студенческого самоуправления: как подготовить успешного "самоуправленца" Нагаивская, Д.Ю. Conference Papers 3179817 4896407
2021 HR-менеджмент в приватних закладах охорони здоров’я (на прикладі ТОВ «ВЕРБА МЕДІКАЛ») Логвинюк, Г.О. Masters thesis 1273885469 -2117495702
2021 HR-менеджмент в приватних медичних закладах (на прикладі медичного центру "Новий Зір" у м.Суми). Аналіз і перспективи Белік, Т.В. Masters thesis 956053753 2049847831
2017 HR-менеджмент як чинник туристичного бізнесу Загребельний, І.С. Conference Papers 316670910 175752607