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Showing results 6721 to 6740 of 94699
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2011 Influence of the inverse faraday effect on switching and oscillations of magnetization in single-domain nanoparticles Kukharev, A.V.; Daniluyk, A.L. Conference Papers 26781686 17104752
2012 Influence of the Inverse Faraday Effect on Switching and Oscillations of Magnetization in Single-Domain Nanoparticles Kukharev, A.V.; Daniluyk, A.L. Article 221079505 203453865
2018 Influence of the Material Layer on the Frequency Response of the Multimode Converter Filipova, N. Article 34906011 23267915
2013 Influence of the Mechanical Boundary Conditions on Dynamic and Static Properties of the Ferromagnetic with Competing Anisotropies Krivtsova, A.V.; Meleshko, A.G.; Gorelikov, G.A.; Fridman, Yu.A.; Klevets, Ph.N Conference Papers 3475961 3854380
2017 Influence of the minimum salary level increase on the business entities activity in the context of the transition to the sustainable development Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Taraniuk, Leonid Mykolaiovych; Kozmenko, O.; Sineviciene, L. Article 1739892118 589883408
2021 Influence of the NaCl Dielectric Layer on the Electrical Properties of Graphite/n-Cd1 – xZnxTe Schottky Diodes Fabricated by Transferring Drawn Graphite Solovan, M.M.; Parkhomenko, H.P.; Brus, V.V.; Mostovyi, A.I.; Maryanchuk, P.D. Article 237313371 602564845
2014 Influence of the phase and elemental compositions and defect structure on the physicomechanical properties and tribotechnical characteristics of nanostructural Ti-Hf-Si-N coatings Pohrebniak, Oleksandr Dmytrovych; Kaverin, Mykhailo Valeriiovych; Beresnev, V.M. Article 1059190507 758665368
2020 The Influence of the Phase Composition of the B-N-C System Composite Material on Its Physical-mechanical and Tribological Characteristics Volkogon, V.M.; Avramchuk, S.K.; Kravchuk, A.V.; Pavlychuk, T.V.; Antonyuk, V.S.; Avramchuk, K.І. Article -1660441733 139698058
2012 Influence of the Production Process Conditions on the Specific Surface Area of Olivine Nano-Silicas Lazaro, A.; Geus, J.W.; Brouwers, H.J.H. Conference Papers 548146954 -1288018177
2008 Influence of the public finance on labor force migration in transitional economies Dubauskas, G. Article 435588448 591066999
2013 Influence of the Ratio of Metal Composed Nanocomposites Fe-Co / C on Phase Composition Kozhitov, L.V.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Kozhitov, S.L.; Muratov, D.G.; Harseev, V.A.; Rodionov, V.V.; Popkova, A.V.; Matveev, K.E.; Yakushko, E.V. Article 77874387 120453794
2013 Influence of the shadow econome on ceneral budget in Ukraine Riabushka, Liudmyla Borysivna Article 103096392 117272226
2013 Influence of the shadow economy on general budget in Ukraine Ryabushka, L.B. Conference Papers 5263244 2183702
2017 Influence of the sharp and chronic hypoxia on structure of nervous elements of the brain Stoyan, A.O. Conference Papers 9019162 9796480
2016 Influence of the SHI Irradiation on the XRD, AFM, and Electrical Properties of CdSe Thin Films Singh, R.; Srinivasan, R. Article 79051760 190691847
2017 Influence of the Space Charge on Tunneling of Electrons and Their Conductivity by the Resonance Tunneling Structures in the Constant Electric Field Boyko, I.V.; Petryk, M.R. Article 38163 39427
2023 Influence of the Specific Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity Coefficient, Density and Cooling Rate on Formation of Crystallization Centers in Metallic Melts Donii, O.; Narivskiy, A.; Khristenko, V.; Kotliar, S.; Kharchenko, Nadiia Anatoliivna; Hovorun, Tetiana Pavlivna Article 2663 2099
2021 Influence of the Striker Material on the Results of High-Speed Impact at a Barrier Voitenko, Y.; Zakusylo, Roman Vasylovych; Zaychenko, S. Article 1274876425 -1924367236
2024 Influence of the Substrate Material on the Structural Properties of Cadmium Telluride Films Meriuts, A.V.; Khrypunov, G.S.; Kharchenko, M.M.; Dobrozhan, A.I.; Zaitsev, R.V.; Kirichenko, M.V.; Minakova, K.O.; Drozdov, A.M. Article 0 0
2015 Influence of the Substrate Temperature on the Size Distribution and Phase Composition of Ablated HfO2 Nanoparticles Panfilov, V.I.; Pugachevskii, M.A.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article 18354728 18776944