Browsing Журнал нано- та електронної фізики (Journal of nano- and electronic physics) by Title

Showing results 1059 to 1078 of 3060
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Effect of Long-Range Passivation of Impurity Atoms by Surface Dangling Bonds on the Conductivity of Porous Silicon Ptashchenko, F. Article 366755 683993
2019 Optical Properties of ZnSe Quantum Dots in Carbon Matrices Bardashevska, S.D.; Budzulyak, I.M.; Budzulyak, S.I.; Rachiy, B.I.; Yablon, L.S.; Morushko, O.V. Article 3504228 106447
2019 Optical and Electrical Properties of n-type Porous Silicon Produced by Electrochemical Etching and Study the Influence of y-irradiation Sulaiman, A.A.; Muhammed, A.A.K.; Ivashchenko, Maksym Mykolaiovych Article 2552650 2402183
2019 Actual Problems of Computer Parametric Identification of the NMR and NQR spectra: a Review Samila, A.P.; Lastivka, G.I.; Tanasyuk, Yu.V. Article 191696924 163169185
2019 Physics and Technology of Heterosystems with Films of Germanium and Germanium with Gallium Venger, Ye.; Kolyadina, O.; Holevchuk, V.; Matveeva, L.; Matiyuk, I.; Mitin, V. Article 1826581 1039904
2019 Properties and Application of Nanoporous Silica Filled with Polyaniline and Iodine Popławski, T.; Pidluzhna, A.; Ivashchyshyn, F.; Chabecki, P.; Shvets, R. Article 10280256 17245108
2019 Searching for Order Parameter of Low-temperature Phase Transitions in Divalent Nitrates Kolomoets, A.G.; Khrypko, S.L. Article 448248 362470
2019 Interface Interaction as a Factor of Dielectric Properties of Epoxy-based Composites with Graphite Nanoplatelets Yakovenko, O.S.; Matzui, L.Yu.; Perets, Yu.S.; Vovchenko, L.L.; Klepko, V.V.; Lobko, Ye.V. Article 50955404 92838506
2019 Effect of Nickel Ions Substitution on the Structural and Electrical Properties of a Nanosized Lithium-iron Ferrite Obtained by the Sol-gel Auto-combustion Method Kaykan, L.S.; Mazurenko, J.S.; Yaremiy, I.P.; Bandura, Kh.V.; Ostapovych, N.V. Article 1545928873 1007540062
2019 Performance Dependence of Organic Solar Cells as a Function of Active Layer Thickness, Luminous Intensity and Temperature of Thermal Annealing Ourahmoun, O. Article 3548139 3621018
2019 Formation of Ordered Magnetic Nanoparticles Arrays Using Various Obtaining Techniques Bezdidko, Oleksandr Valeriiovych; Cheshko, Iryna Volodymyrivna; Kostiuk, Dmytro Mykolaiovych; Protsenko, Serhii Ivanovych Article 582408110 1739487562
2019 Short Communication Formation of Graphite Nanostructures on the Surface of Layered n-InSe Crystal Vodopyanov, V.M.; Tkachuk, I.G.; Ivanov, V.I.; Kudrynskyi, Z.R.; Kovalyuk, Z.D. Article 72870670 33161573
2019 Interaction During Barothermal Processing of Wurtzite Boron Nitride with Diamonds Obtained under Different Synthesis Conditions Volkogon, V.M.; Vasylkovska, М.А.; Tymofeeva, I.I.; Avramchuk, S.K.; Kravchuk, A.V.; Buzhanska, I.I.; Fedoran, Y.A.; Pavlychuk, T.V.; Antonyuk, V.S. Article 721809145 674554721
2019 Operating Temperature Effect on the Thin Film Solar Cell Efficiency Zaitsev, R.V.; Kirichenko, M.V.; Khrypunov, G.S.; Radoguz, S.A.; Khrypunov, M.G.; Prokopenko, D.S.; Zaitseva, L.V. Article 183369383 118371357
2019 Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes on Porous Silicon for Sensing Application Abbas, Sally K.; Naje, Asama N. Article -960459098 430257795
2019 The Wall Temperature Measurement and Effects on the Missile Complex Surfaсe Based on the Semiconductor Diode and Electronic System Pavliuchenko, A.M.; Shyiko, O.M.; Klochkova, T.I. Article 6482239 6573082
2019 The Simultaneous Impacts of the p nc-SiOx:H Window Layer Band Gap and the Back Reflection on the Performances of a-Si:H Based Solar Cells Abbas, Belfar; Mohammed, Belmekki; Ferroudja, Hammour; Hocine, Ait-Kaci Article 37177138 70786522
2019 An Efficient Design for Coplanar Ripple Carry Adder in Quantum-dot Cellular Automata Technology Zahra, Dadgar; Abdalhossein, Rezai Article -1672182661 1194741176
2019 Calculation of Electron Mobility for the Strained Germanium Nanofilm Luniov, S.V. Article 7038883 4425773
2019 Band Gap Engineering in Spray Pyrolysis Grown Nanocrystalline NiO Thin Films by Fe Doping Gavale, H.S.; Wagh, M.S.; Gosavi, S.R. Article 362926404 420962899