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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2020 Suppression of Optical Feedback in Laser Diodes Using Multilayered Broad-band Ultra-low Reflective Facets-coating Patel, Sanjay J.; Jariwala, Akshay; Panchal, C.J.; Kheraj, Vipul Article 2108606579 -1007391305
2011 Simulation of CIGS thin film solar cells using AMPS-1D Ray, J.R.; Panchal, C.J.; Desai, M.S.; Trivedi, U.B. Article -30213364 714170620
2011 Molybdenum back-contact optimization for CIGS thin film solar cell Ray, J.R.; Shah, N.M.; Desai, M.S.; Panchal, C.J. Article -1435981628 129227174
2014 Magnetoresistive Properties of Quasi Granular Film Alloys FeхPt1 – х at the Low Concentration of Pt Atoms Protsenko, Ivan Yukhymovych; Odnodvorets, Larysa Valentynivna; Tyshchenko, Kostiantyn Volodymyrovych; Shabelnyk, Yurii Mykhailovych; Shumakova, Nataliia Ivanivna; Mehta, P.K.; Panchal, C.J. Article -57500264 661901359
2017 Thermoelectric Properties of the Colloidal Bi2S3-Based Nanocomposites Dobrozhan, Oleksandr Anatoliiovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych; Trivedi, U.B.; Panchal, C.J.; Priya, Suryavanshi; Kheraj, V.A. Article 285435121 1900644747
2011 Laser scribing optimization of RF magnetron sputtered molybdenum thin films Padhiar, V.B.; Patel, A.L.; Ray, J.R.; Desai, M.S.; Panchal, C.J. Article -1832239372 -1838418685
2011 Barrier inhomogeneities of Al/p-In2Te3 thin film Schottky diodes Desai, R.R.; Lakshminarayana, D.; Sachdeva, Ramesh; Patel, P.B.; Panchal, C.J.; Desai, M.S.; Padha, N. Article -178278147 55483512
2020 Synthesis and Characterization of Copper Indium Gallium Diselenide (CIGS) Nano-Crystalline Powder using SPEX Mill Suryavanshi, Priya S.; Kumar, N.P.; Rehani, B.R.; Panchal, C.J.; Deshmukh, S.G. Article 1032668225 -1626496820
2011 Structure, Optical And Electrical Characterization Of Tin Selenide Thin Films Deposited At Room Temperature Using Thermal Evaporation Method Kumar, N.; Sharma, V.; Parihar, U.; Sachdeva, R.; Padha, N.; Panchal, C.J. Article 677206829 322581394
2012 Irradiation Effects on Microstructure and Dielectric Properties of Ba[(Mg0.32Co0.02)Nb0.66]O3 [BMCN] Thin Films Patel, N.V.; Bishnoi, Bhagwati; Mehta, P.K.; Kumar, Ravi; Choudhary, R.J.; Phase, D.M.; Ganesan, V.; Panchal, C.J. Article 470001845 106370006