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Showing results 1 to 20 of 48
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2024 SIMS Analysis of Copper-Nickel Thin Films Alloys Loboda, Valerii Borysovych; Zubko, V.M.; Khursenko, S.M.; Saltykova, A.I.; Chepizhnyi, A.V. Article 5025 3657
2024 Fabrication of CdSe/Si Thin Films Solar Cell by CBD Najim, S.A. Article 41 17
2024 Synthesis by Organic Solar Cells SnO2 Thin Films for Gas Sensing Aoun, Y.; Benramache, S.; Maaoui, B.; Sbaihi, A. Article 246 192
2024 Synthesis of Surface Nanostructures of Silver Sulfide in Argon at Atmospheric Pressure in a Gas Discharge Shuaibov, O.K.; Minya, O.Y.; Hrytsak, R.V.; Malinina, A.O.; Malinin, O.M.; Holomb, R.M.; Pogodin, A.I.; Homoki, Z.T. Article 298 238
2023 Correlation Between the Structural, Morphological and Optical Characteristics of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Thermal Evaporation Darenfad, W.; Guermat, N.; Mirouh, K. Article 570 1433
2023 Optical Properties of CdTe:In Thin Films Deposited by PVD Technique Vakaliuk, I.V.; Yavorskyi, R.S.; Naidych, B.P.; Nykyruy, L.I.; Katanova, L.O.; Zamuruieva, O.V. Article 2393 3107
2023 X-Ray Spectral Microanalysis of Copper-Nickel Thin Films Alloys Loboda, Valerii Borysovych; Zubko, V.M.; Khursenko, S.M.; Kravchenko, V.O.; Chepizhnyi, A.V. Article 1042 875
2023 Morphological, Structural and Optical Properties of Ba-Doped NiO Nanostructure Thin Films Merad, M.Z.; Fellah, L.; Diha, A. Article 2216 853
2023 Synthesis of Thin Films Based on Silver Sulfide in Air at Atmospheric Pressure in a Gas Discharge Shuaibov, O.K.; Mynia, O.Y.; Malinin, O.M.; Hrytsak, R.V.; Malinina, A.O.; Pogodin, A.I.; Homoki, Z.T. Article 1287826 339924
2022 Annealing Effect on the Physical Properties of Chemically Prepared Cu2 – xSe Films Gosavi, S.R. Article 4899076 9445576
2022 MWCNT Thin Films by CVD Method and Some Applications Abd, Intessar K.; Shano, Ahmed M.; Khodair, Ziad T. Article 259079 484802
2022 Probing Co/Si Interface by Raman Spectroscopy Brajpuriya, R. Article 198833516 287196882
2022 Super-Hydrophobic F-Doped SnO2 (FTO) Nanoflowers Deposited by Spray Pyrolysis Process for Solar Cell Applications Noubeil, Guermat; Warda, Darenfad; Kamel, Mirouh; Mehdi, Kalfallah; Mehdi, Ghoumazi Article 587804485 -397208539
2021 A Comparative Study on the Optoelectronic Performance of Undoped, Mg-doped and F/Mg Co-doped ZnO Nanocrystalline Thin Films for Solar Cell Applications Warda, Darenfad; Noubeil, Guermat; Kamel, Mirouh Article -274173503 719343546
2021 Optical and Dispersion Parameters of the Al-doped ZnO Thin Film Kashuba, A.I.; Andriyevsky, B.; Ilchuk, H.A; Petrus, R.Yu.; Malyi, T.S.; Semkiv, I.V. Article -1250926325 -1713558753
2021 Annealing Induced Red Shift in the Absorption Edge of TiO2 Films Prepared by Sol-gel Technique Kamakhya, Prakash Misra; Saikat, Chattopadhyay; Deepal, Dey; Prarbdh, Bhatt; Nilanjan, Halder Article -1596288740 -1823106938
2020 Optical Properties of CdMnTe Film: Experimental and Theoretical Aspects Ilchuk, H.; Zmiiovska, E.; Petrus, R.; Semkiv, I.; Lopatynskyi, I.; Kashuba, A. Article -1929547940 110709487
2020 Features of the Initial Stage of the Formation of Ti-Zr-Ni Quasicrystalline Thin Films Malykhin, S.V.; Kondratenko, V.V.; Kopylets, I.А.; Surovitskiy, S.V.; Shipkova, I.G.; Mikhailov, I.F.; Zubarev, E.N.; Bogdanov, Yu.S. Article 1464971246 688420564
2020 Hopping Conductivity Mechanism in Cd3As2 Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering Zakhvalinskii, V.S.; Pilyuk, E.A.; Nikulicheva, T.B.; Ivanchikhin, S.V.; Yaprintsev, M.N.; Goncharov, I.Yu.; Kolesnikov, D.A.; Morocho, A.A.; Glukhov, О.V. Article 3666921 2903068
2020 Investigation of Supercapacitive Behaviour of Electrodeposited Cobalt Oxide Thin Film by Potentiostatic Mode Gavande, S.S.; Navale, Y.H.; Salunkhe, A.S.; Gavande, Shivani; Kulkarni, P.S.; Karche, B.R. Article -605800190 -833923397