Філологічні трактати [1384]

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Showing results 61 to 80 of 1384
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Gender Marked Words in Advertising Texts: The Equivalence of Translation Chulanova, Halyna Valeriivna; Shevchenko, S.V. Article 1272732038 1841267881
2019 Germanische rezeption im wortschat der ruthenen Dehtiarova, Larysa Ivanivna; Prykhodko, Nataliia Anatoliivna; Nazarenko, Olena Viacheslavivna Article 485954260 1607857536
2018 Gestik als Kommunikationsmittel Yermolenko, Svitlana Vasylivna; Hannoshchenko, S.V.; Myklashchuk, V.P.; Titareva, V.S. Article -1596483548 -642451940
2018 Grammatical Aspects of Translation Kobiakova, Iryna Karpivna; Mishchenko, A. Article -850374750 519601838
2016 Grammatische Phänomene des Sprachwandels im gegenwärtigen Deutschen Movchan, Diana Vasylivna Article -909275164 791215721
2018 Idioms with a Negative Connotation in Modern English Rock Songs: Translation Aspec Prokopenko, Antonina Vadymivna; Kartava, K.R. Article -1906651440 1898051167
2017 In the Travelogue Genre Dudchenko, Liudmyla Mykolaivna Article 571073363 1016758723
2019 Incorporating meta-cognitive instruction in reading comprehension into philology training Kush, J.C. Article -187669300 -116790595
2017 Indefinite quantity in language and cognition: imagery-evaluative perspective Yehorova, O. Article 1516822767 891317538
2018 Innovations as a Prerogative in Teaching Foreign Languages Chepeliuk, Antonina Dmytrivna; Susidenko, Ye. Article 1545029383 -626740021
2023 Innovative methodology for teaching European Studies using a corpus approach Anokhina, T.; Kobiakova, Iryna Karpivna; Shvachko, Svitlana Oleksiivna Article 456 457
2024 Integration of health-preserving technologies in English language lessons at general secondary education institutions Molhamova, Liliia Oleksiivna; Budko, V. Article 46 35
2017 Integration of verbal units of personified poetical silence images in literary discourse Kulish, Vladyslava Serhiivna; Lashch, К. Article 326176975 405644900
2022 Interdisciplinary dimension of the modern English-language penitentiary discourse research Shchyglo, Larysa Volodymyrivna; Volyk, A. Article 1507007 213940
2018 Interlingual Rendering of Political Terminology Prokopenko, Antonina Vadymivna; Kaminina, A. Article 641394270 164380977
2014 Interpretation von verbalen und nicht verbalen graffitizeichen als eine von formen der massenkommunikation Yermolenko, Svitlana Vasylivna Article 596686065 520522224
2013 Intonation in discourse and its importance in communication Bondarenko, Yuliia Stanislavivna Article 1930414768 1393749153
2018 Irony and Means of its Realization in English Literary Discourse (Translation Aspect) Kats, Yuliia Viktorivna; Fadieieva, Y. Article -1621475755 2058890063
2017 Iнcтрукцiя лiкaрcькoгo зacoбу: cтруктурнo-кoмпoзицiйний, лекcикo-cемaнтичний i переклaдaцький acпекти Medvid, Olena Mykolaivna; Вoлинcькa, К.I. Article -1900626685 -1707160547
2006 Kognitive und semantische aspekte phraseologischer einheiten for den bereich botanischer komponenten der deutschen sprache Ermolenko, S. Article 1978348515 1450486812