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Showing results 1 to 20 of 51
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2016 Consulting role in the enterprise development management system Vynogradovа, O.V.; Yevtushenko, N.O. Article -153262483 -176239586
2016 Trade networks evolution under the conditions of stock market globalization Kopylova, O.V. Article -1891799672 -1508857597
2016 Classification and analysis of factors that affect stability of oil and gas enterprise staff Zelinska, H.O. Article 161287238 611915825
2016 International aspect of ecological innovations Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Skoryk, V.V Article 48955549 593220239
2016 Analysis of the innovative activity at the ukrainian machine-building enterprises Bodenchyuk L.B., Article 15559110 -485133869
2016 Theory of economic regulation: new aspect Evtuh, A.T. Article 141585750 -1497273348
2016 The role and importance of the enterprise`s borrowed capital Dombrovska, S.O.; Shostak, I.I. Article 1378005609 -1998950364
2016 Development of modern space forms within the economic activity in Carpathian region in terms of Europe integration processes extension Tsenkler, N.I. Article 59989300 38003963
2016 Systematic approach to the formation of management mechanism of construction enterprises innovation activity Andrusiv, U.Y.; Mazur, I.M.; Kinash, I.P. Article -1737270249 1356335978
2016 Regional politics of energy savings and instruments of its realization Simkiv, L.Y. Article 1031736920 424621084
2016 Ensuring effective supply chain management under uncertainty Lutsenko, I.S. Article -1850268538 -1669228634
2016 Research preconditions of Ukrainian chemical industry modernization based on the assessment competitiveness of its potential Shevtsova, A.Z.; Braslavska, O.V. Article -409099366 831613282
2016 Territorial and industry analysis of the fulfillment of Zaporizhian regional projects Gudz, P.V. Article -742362566 869034818
2016 Theoretical justification of indicators system to estimate the regional stability level considering its development peculiarities Granovska, L.M.; Nyzheholenko, K.S. Article -62489363 1909811051
2016 Efficiency of management of sustainable development – challenges, problems, barriers Zięba, K.; Olma, S. Article 1631161520 911057072
2016 Technological and regulatory aspects of quality management during the life cycle of investment and construction projects Kropyvko, S.M Article 488452011 -210882208
2016 The connection of strategic and operation activity in achieving of enterprise's effectiveness Polyanska, A.S.; Kushlyk, O.Yu. Article 1770130967 755076982
2016 Introduction of elements of accounting systems of foreign countries in accounting practice in Ukraine Shmatkovska, T.O. Article 115367834 96374730
2016 Services of strategic consulting: special features and types Klenin, O.V. Article -579645892 -2091680538
2016 Team and teamwork in modern european HR management Usheva, M. Article -598798950 -1139000897