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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Project management as a tool of development strategies domestic enterprises of gas transportation Zapuhlyak, I.B. Article 1661629114 1576719553
2016 Classification and analysis of factors that affect stability of oil and gas enterprise staff Zelinska, H.O. Article 161287238 611915825
2015 Industrial systems ecologization as an urgent need and necessity of modern development Tarayevska, L.S.; Chychul, C.-M. M. Article 107384201 484633238
2015 Methodical aspects of the assessment the resource potential for the enterprise development Jablinski, J.; Popova, O.Yu.; Belousova, K.O.; Kuznetsov, V.Yu Article -1484768782 -1240964966
2015 Innovative-marketing directions of recreational-tourism industry in Ukraine Shevchenko, Hanna Mykolaivna; Ivanova, T.E. Article -315551158 1242132981
2016 The connection of strategic and operation activity in achieving of enterprise's effectiveness Polyanska, A.S.; Kushlyk, O.Yu. Article 1770130967 755076982
2015 Social responsibility of education as one of advantages of innovative development of enterprise Zelinska, H.O. Article -391523966 844409702
2016 Factors that affect the evaluation of the effectiveness of corporate management innovation in an industrial plant Klus, Y.I. Article -50917456 -40136525
2015 Identification of the causes of risks under the conditions of innovative development of oil and gas companies Khvostina, I.M.; Pisak, K.V. Article -966661590 -944512770
2016 Application of the lean concept as a prerequisite for a tourist business development Madgerova, R.H.; Kyurova, V.V.; Atanasova, A.V. Article -649981577 2046228929
2015 Formation components of socio-economic potential of the region Stoyanets, N.V. Article 309964375 -210126681