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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Credit Information Sharing and Its Link to Financial Inclusion and Financial Intermediation Morscher, Ch.; Horsch, A.; Stephan, J. Article -782203567 356199076
2017 Scientific methodological approach to defining projected indicator of financial market infrastructural efficiency Rekunenko, Ihor Ivanovych Article 1281307000 -2117480945
2017 The financial instruments market – an institutional approach Dovhan, Zh.; Kravchuk, I.; Karas, P. Article 184494846 -963660651
2017 Market-driven vs. government-driven banking consolidation around the world Mohamadi, B.A.; Bohma, S. Article 1748415003 1966268872
2017 Data Mining of Operations with Card Accounts of Bank Clients Subeh, Musa A.; Yarovenko, Hanna Mykolaivna Article 1870791446 698639152
2017 Transformation of Bank Capital Regulation in Ukraine: the Role of Institutional Distortions Koziuk, V. Article 283769773 73657248
2017 Features of Foreign Investors Evaluating the Level of Competition in the Banking Market Grebeniuk, N.; Jinan Mehdi, M. Article 674967359 -219818710
2017 The Relationship Between the Tax Burden and Financing Public Services: A Comparison of Ukraine and European Countries Samusevych, Yaryna Valentynivna; Shamaelh, A. Article 2075078957 587289094
2017 The Influence of Tax Burden on the Profit of Banks in Conditions of Monopolistic Competition: Economic-Mathematical Modeling Mazloumfard, H.; Glantz, V. Article 314303302 2132087419
2017 Comparative analysis of IFRS and US GAAP Sanko, H.; Koldovskyi, Artem Volodymyrovych Article 813466135 -1103629811