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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2014 Synthesis of the Carbon Nanomaterials Based on Renewable Bioresources Chan, N.A.; Chakov, V.V.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Chervyakov, L.M.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article 540178115 -1645398083
2014 Localized Electrospark Impacts on Thin Metal Films Kuzmenko, A.P.; Kuz’ko, A.E.; Timakov, D.I.; Roslyakova, L.I.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article -214947436 1622760408
2014 RF Magnetron Sputtering of Silicon Carbide and Silicon Nitride Films for Solar Cells Zakhvalinskii, V.S.; Piljuk, E.A.; Goncharov, I.Yu.; Rodriges, V.G.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Taranenko, S.V.; Abakumov, P.A. Article 24788987 186443539
2014 Microstructural Barrier-locking Formation Mechanism of Dispersed Current-forming Components of Current Power Supply Kuzmenko, A.P.; Grechushnikov, E.A.; Kharseev, V.A.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article 348796631 1687623120
2014 Microwave Properties of Carbon Nanotubes Grown by Pyrolysis of Ethanol on Nickel Catalyst Rodionov, V.V.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Chervyakov, L.M.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article -1336509695 716931663
2014 Small Angle X-ray Scattering in Thin Iron Films Chekadanov, A.S.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Emelyanov, S.G.; Chevyakov, L.M.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article 217818038 2057491514
2014 Dynamics of Domain Walls in Iron Borate and Yttrium Orthoferrite in Alternating and Constant Magnetic Fields Adamova, M.E.; Zhukov, E.A.; Kaminsky, A.V.; Komina, O.Yu.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Shcherbakov, Yu.I. Article -1242619236 -1242428398
2014 Defragmentation, Thermocapillary Extraction and Agglomeration of Ultradispersed Inclusions of Noble Metals in Laser Processing Kuzmenko, A.P.; Leonenko, N.A.; Khrapov, I.V.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article 833113654 -1866257757
2014 Temperature and Concentration Effects of Aqueous Solution of Sodium Octanoate on Micelle Formation Measured by Small angle X-ray Scattering Kuzmenko, A.P.; Chekadanov, A.S.; Mirgorod, U.A.; Dolenko, T.A.; Burikov, S.A.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article -965862511 466552946
2014 3D-Self-Assemblage and Self-Organization on Natural Colloidal Microinclusions in Mineral Sediments Kuzmenko, A.P.; Chan, Nyein Aung; Rodionov, V.V.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article -717383621 488000217
2014 Influence of Electroconductive Additives in the Positive Electrode Material on Morphology, Structure and Characteristics of the Lead-acid Batteries Kuzmenko, A.P.; Grechushnikov, E.A.; Kharseev, V.A.; Dobromyslov, M.B. Article -1208703981 -849345273
2014 Induction of Polymerization of the Surface Nanostructures of the Electrodes by Electric Field Emelyanov, S.G.; Kuz’ko, A.E.; Kuz’ko, A.V.; Kuzmenko, A.P.; Belov, P.A. Article -2081711469 -2081529152