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Showing results 5232 to 5251 of 94695
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Foreign direct investments as a factor of social and economic development of Sumy region Kazanovskaya, D.V.; Pozhar, Y.O. Conference Papers 3533344 3840363
2004 Foreign economic relations of Ukraine with CIS states in the conditions of the global marketing development Ryabchyk, I.; Bulova, O. Conference Papers -1899535703 -1899442984
2022 Foreign element in legal regulation on succession: the experience of Regulation (EU) Nº 650/2012 Honcharova, Alina Viacheslavivna; Fursa, S.; Chuikova, V.; Danylenko, O.; Hlushchenko, Nataliia Volodymyrivna Article 3447 3201
2011 Foreign experience of determining crop yield losses from air pollutants Marekha, Iryna Serhiivna; Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna Conference Papers 682666881 699627684
2010 Foreign experience of ecological management and audit adaptation Pimonenko, T.V. Conference Papers 63183233 68663474
2011 Foreign experience of ecological management and audit adaptation Diadechko, Alla Mykolaivna; Pimonenko, Tetiana Volodymyrivna Conference Papers 607794059 321435340
2015 Foreign experience of regulating international trade transactions Klymenko, L.V. Article 134570337 105667058
2007 Foreign investment burden,exchange rates and external debt crises in Nigeria: an empirical externsion Muoghalu, M.I.; Ezirim, C.B.; Elike, U. Article 32608942 27254517
2016 Foreign Investment in Tanzania: Current State, Problems and Perspectives Derevianko, Yurii Mykolaiovych; Мбвана, Л.Б. Conference Papers 199032993 241156631
2021 Foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine scale, structure, efficiency Ponomaryova, E.D.; Пономарьова, Є.Д. Bachelous Paper 218220599 444694346
2023 Foreign investment in the economy of Ukraine: scope, structure, efficiency Demenko, M. Bachelous Paper 224 200
2016 Foreign language is your chance to success Borschenko, A. Conference Papers -674043849 878237462
2022 Foreign trade relations between Ukraine and China Bondar, D.Y. Bachelous Paper -170780532 -740109674
2013 Forensic accounting inventory Skorba, Oleh Anatoliiovych Article 8766974 2732634
2015 Forensic accounting нематеріальних активів Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Вакарчук, В.В. Conference Papers 899266534 -619228142
2021 Forensic accounting: concepts and prospects of application in Ukraine Дунаєв, М.С.; Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Otroshchenko, Larysa Stepanivna; Zhukova, Tetiana Anatoliivna Article 1654136931 1973397251
2021 Forensic accounting: concepts and prospects of application in Ukraine Dunaev, M.S.; Plikus, Iryna Yosypivna; Otroshchenko, Larysa Stepanivna; Zhukova, Tetiana Anatoliivna Article -1572525945 837005868
2013 Foresight for optimization of international innovation and technological cooperation Lapshyn, Viktor Vasylovych; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Vernydub, Nataliia Oleksiivna Conference Papers -968568179 53414884
2014 Forest economics and the need for conservation: the nigerian challenge Jonathan, Emeka Nwosu Article -945827371 -686998540
2014 Forestry and farming a way through: aloe vera the green gold amongst us Ghebremeskel, Teklu Angesom Conference Papers 1971005854 1567885491