Browsing Журнал нано- та електронної фізики (Journal of nano- and electronic physics) by Title

Showing results 1381 to 1400 of 3041
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2018 Collision of Two-dimensional Ultrashort Optical Pulses in the Medium with Carbon Nanotubes and the Order Parameter Konobeeva, N.N. Article 6466424 5793276
2018 Effect of Heat Treatments on the Mechanical Properties of a Form Tool Brahim, Chermime; Abdelaziz, Abboudi; Hamid, Djebaili Article 308540 260069
2018 Modelling the Initial Stages of Condensation of As-S Atomic Clusters Dalekorej, А.V.; Kovtunenko, V.S.; Stoika, М.V. Article 75253064 64506586
2018 Гетероепітаксійний ріст SiC на підкладках поруватого Si методом заміщення атомів Кідалов, В.В.; Кукушкін, С.А.; Осіпов, А.В.; Редьков, А.В.; Гращенко, А.С.; Сошніков, І.П.; Бойко, М.Е.; Шарков, М.Д.; Дяденчук, А.Ф. Article 8360993 17500618
2018 Influence of Mechanical Treatment of the Z-Surface of Lithium Niobate on the Properties of X-ray Pyroelectric Source Ivashchuk, O.O.; Klenin, A.A.; Kubankin, A.S.; Oleinik, A.N.; Shchagin, A.V. Article 376984 382451
2018 Вплив умов термообробки на магніторезистивні властивості тришарових структур Fe0,2Co0,8/Cu/Fe0,2Co0,8 Shkurdoda, Yurii Oleksiiovych; Protsenko, Ivan Yukhymovych; Салтиков, Д.І. Article 18499507 7505961
2018 Analysis of the Frequency Spectra Behavior of Dislocation Ultrasound Absorption in Irradiated LiF Samples with Different Dislocation Structure Petchenko, O.M.; Petchenko, G.О.; Boiko, S.М. Article 17764786 5294567
2018 Hybrid Solar Generating Module Development for High-Efficiency Solar Energy Station Zaitsev, R.V.; Kirichenko, M.V.; Khrypunov, G.S.; Prokopenko, D.S.; Zaitseva, L.V. Article -662144584 -349322573
2018 Study of the Structural and Optical Properties of Dy Doped CdS Thin Films Deposited by Close-spaced Vacuum Sublimation Yeromenko, Yurii Serhiiovych; Kurbatov, Denys Ihorovych; Opanasiuk, Anatolii Serhiiovych; Bukivskij, P.M.; Furier, M.S.; Bukivskii, A.P.; Gnatenko, Yu.P.; Гнатенко Ю.П., ; Буківський П.М., ; Фур'єр М.С., Article 305560909 257345916
2018 Electronic Conduction in Annealed Sulfur-Doped a-Si:H Films Gupta, H.; Fateh, Singh Gill; Sharma, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Mehra, R.M. Article 16533119 25789316
2018 Modelling Graphene-based Transparent Electrodes for Si Solar Cells by Artificial Neural Networks Meziani, Z.; Dibi, Z. Article 1025727 1785894
2018 A Graphical Method to Study Electrostatic Potentials of 25 nm Channel Length DG SOI MOSFETs Djerioui, M.; Hebali, M.; Chalabi, D.; Saidane, A. Article -1911725234 -839509256
2018 Optimize the Geometrical Parameters of Interdigital Micro-Electrodes Used in Bioimpedance Sensing System Hamidreza, Shirzadfar; Nasim, Mokhtari; Julien, Claudel Article -1297475330 1333024389
2018 Electron-Electron Interaction in Plane Closed Semiconductor Nanostructures Boyko, I.V.; Bagrii-Zayats, O.A.; Tsupryk, H.B.; Stoianov, Y.M Article 872933 1854852
2018 Amplitude-time Characteristics of Switching in Thin Films of Cadmium Telluride Khrypunov, М.G.; Zaitsev, R.V.; Kudii, D.A.; Khrypunova, A.L. Article -2118679886 945306086
2018 PSpice Implementation and Simulation of a New Electro-Thermal Modeling for Estimating the Junction Temperature of Low Voltage Power MOSFET Toufik, Smail; Zohir, Dibi; Douadi, Bendib Article 2818219 3964305
2018 Отримання, структура та сенсорні властивості фрактально-перколяційних наносистем ZnO Korniushchenko, Hanna Serhiivna; Natalich, Viktoriia Vadymivna; Perekrestov, Viacheslav Ivanovych; Kosminska, Yuliia Oleksandrivna Article 736580402 475742904
2018 The Use of Negative Bias Potential for Structural Engineering of Vacuum-Arc Nitride Coatings Based on FeCoNiCuAlCrV High-Entropy Alloy Sobol, O.V.; Andreev, A.A.; Gorban, V.F.; Meylekhov, A.A.; Postelnyk, А.А.; Stolbovoy, V.A.; Zvyagolskiy, A.V. Article -1880186379 -1461716665
2018 Nanostructured ZnO Arrays Fabricated via Pulsed Electrodeposition and Coated with Ag Nanoparticles for Ultraviolet Photosensors Article 66929 69717
2018 Термодинаміка квазістійких станів ПВХ з металонанодисперсним наповнювачем Колупаєв, Б.Б.; Колупаєв, Б.С.; Левчук, В.В.; Максимцев, Ю.Р.; Сідлецький, В.О. Article -680423726 -398676532