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Showing results 20 to 40 of 1807
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2019 Determination of Optical Characteristics of Nanocoatings by Lorentz Transformation Approach Kondratenko, S.; Poperenko, L.; Prorok, V.; Rozouvan, S. Article 805491 716839
2019 The Dependence between the Structural-morphological Features of SiO2/TiO2 Mixes and Discharge Capacities of Lithium Power Sources Yavorsky, Yu.V.; Zaulichny, Ya.V.; Gunko, V.M.; Karpets, M.V.; Mokliak, V.V.; Hrubiak, A.B. Article 38243671 43684227
2019 Short Communication Physical Features of Double Sided Diffusion of Lithium into Silicon for Large Size Detectors Muminov, R.A.; Saymbetov, A.K.; Japashov, N.M.; Toshmurodov, Yo.K.; Radzhapov, S.A.; Kuttybay, N.B.; Nurgaliyev, M.K. Article 4347036 2744078
2019 Elastic Properties of Au, Ag, and Core-shell Au@Ag Nanorods from Molecular Dynamics Simulations Shvets, Uliana Stanislavivna; Наталіч, Богдан Владиславович; Наталич, Богдан Владиславович; Natalich, Bohdan Vladyslavovych; Borysiuk, Vadym Mykolaiovych Article -541653666 1112188259
2019 Quantum-chemical Simulation of Divacancy Defects on C(100)-(2×1) Diamond Surface Ananina, O.; Yanovsky, O. Article 546299 1195350
2019 Influence of Technology on the Formation of Luminescence Centers in CdS Quantum Dots Smyntyna, V.A.; Skobeeva, V.M.; Verheles, K.A.; Malushin, N.V. Article 133082265 93094712
2019 Effects of Copper Doping and Annealing Temperature on the Structural, Morphological and Optical Properties of NiO Thin Films Haichour, A.; Hamdadou, N. Article 1191934600 1434897943
2019 Three-dimensional Extremely Short Optical Pulses in Graphene with Inhomogeneities Konobeeva, N.N.; Belonenko, M.B. Article 511432054 506035836
2019 Modification of Surface of ZnO:Mn Nanocrystals Synthesized by the Cryochemical Method Kovalenko, О.V.; Vorovsky, V.Yu.; Bulanyi, M.F.; Khmelenko, О.V. Article 1335212 1118040
2019 Use of the Method of Micro-arc Plasma Oxidation to Increase the Antifriction Properties of the Titanium Alloy Surface Subbotina, V.V.; Sobol', O.V.; Belozerov, V.V.; Makhatilova, A.I.; Shnayder, V.V. Article 60039296 52682394
2019 Effect of Grain Size on Strain in a Copper Oxide Nanofilm for Gas Sensing Applications Sumanta, Kumar Tripathy; Sanjay, Kumar; Divya, Aparna Narava Article -1742172411 -1615219788
2019 Lattice Mechanical Properties of Alkaline Earth Metals Calcium and Strontium Patel, H.; Kumar, P.; Bhatt, N.K.; Vyas, P.R.; Gohel, V.B. Article 994433 1578230
2019 Nanopowder and Thin Films of ZnO by Sol Gel Approach Ankita, ; Sanjay, Kumar; Sudhir, Saralch; Dinesh, Pathak Article 497229658 54365019
2019 Processing Temperature Effect on Optical and Morphological Parameters of Organic Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 Prepared Using Spray Pyrolysis Method Kemerchou, I.; Rogti, F.; Benhaoua, B.; Lakhdar, N.; Hima, A.; Benhaoua, O.; Khechekhouche, A. Article 540121189 2056185319
2019 The Crystalline Structure, Optical and Conductivity Properties of Fluorine Doped ZnO Nanoparticles Diha, A.; Benramache, S.; Fellah, L. Article 9728963 -35700679
2019 Design and Analysis of Ternary D-Latch Using CNTFETs Anirban, Banerjee; Vikash, Prasad; Debaprasad, Das Article 229159755 117846058
2019 Effect of Electron Transporting Layer on Power Conversion Efficiency of Perovskite-Based Solar Cell: Comparative Study Hima, A.; Lakhdar, N.; Saadoune, A. Article -1195622909 -869968231
2019 Cylindrical Piezoceramic Radiator as a Complex Dynamic System Bogdanova, N.V.; Leiko, A.G.; Naidа, S.А.; Drozdenko, A.I. Article 755289699 626762981
2019 Features of the Electrical Characteristics of an Octagraphene Nanotube Sergeyev, D. Article 1534967 1776634
2019 Density of Surface States in 3D Topological Insulators in the Presence of Magnetic Field with Hexagonal Warping Effect Fedulov, I.N. Article 100667 104539