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Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2017 Basics of technological systems analysis based on neural networks Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Volodin, D.V. Article 1154041091 2082167729
2017 Credit default swaps – characteristics and interrelations with european capital markets Paskaleva, M.G. Article 935486518 694293532
2017 Vision for professional standards and required competence of the commercial manager Borisova, L.G. Article -1410821355 -2079445418
2017 Development of sustainable tourism in the eastern part of Poland on the example of bicycle green velo trail Sowier-Kasprzyk, I.; Widawska-Stanisz, A. Article 2337333 2536162
2017 Managing of transaction costs of agricultural enterprises in the context of raising the level of economic security of the company Odnoshevnaya, O.A. Article 1047780265 2030198278
2017 Governing ecological security of the global economic systems Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Domashenko, Maryna Dmytrivna; Kuchmiyov, A.V.; Shkola, Yu.O. Article 2088932772 1130594167
2017 Research on the entrepreneurial competencies and education needs for creating and managing a private business Madgerova, R.H.; Kyurova, V.V.; Atanasova, A.V. Article -1968054906 665051548
2017 Sustainable marketing in the health care organizations Krukowska-Miler, A. Article -487587967 703356764
2017 Export and import activity of the wine industry: tendencies, current risks Bondarenko, S.A.; Nizyayeva, V.R. Article -556609248 659813729
2017 Methodological principles for establishment of consulting cooperation organizational and economic mechanism Yevtushenko, N.A. Article -1341124840 -992350182
2017 The promotion of phisical activity in shockvertising campaigns Widawska-Stanisz, A.; Sowier-Kasprzyk, I. Article -849457983 473182307
2017 Accounting for European funds in budget entities Swieboda, W. Article -935082990 -1073179418
2017 Development the method of integral evaluation the efficiency of management of financing the enterprise Opeshko, N.S. Article -1151194412 -2053455964
2017 Theoretical and practical aspects of accounting agricultural land Bryk, G.V.; Cic'ka, N.E.; Poverlyak, T.I. Article 101023574 104375404
2017 Improving of intellectual property marketing management in the agrarian sphere of region Мakhnusha, S.M. Article -27556991 -2143868979
2017 Reconsideration of the international management in terms of modern tendencies Zharova, L.V. Article 1942942082 -1382970368
2017 The need of developing the educational standards to stimulate entrepreneurial orientation of university students in Ukraine and Poland Shulgina, L.M.; Zhaldak, A.P.; Okręglicka, M. Article -1338285478 -363769326
2017 Modern condition of labor migration from Ukraine to the EU and the prospects for its regulation Illiashenko, Serhii Mykolaiovych; Adamets, T. Article 1590272962 945517413
2017 Evaluatuation of the competitiveness of the product offered by the dairy company Filipova, M.; Dimitrakaki, I. Article 365666943 380551628
2017 Implementation of ecosystematic approach of environmental policy Shevchenko, I.V. Article 240193371 1288768435