Economic Processes Management (Управління економічними процесами) [179]

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Showing results 61 to 80 of 179
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2015 Identification of the causes of risks under the conditions of innovative development of oil and gas companies Khvostina, I.M.; Pisak, K.V. Article -966661590 -944512770
2017 Implementation of ecosystematic approach of environmental policy Shevchenko, I.V. Article 240193371 1288768435
2013 Improve dialog categorization of the methods for risk assessment of еnvironmental danger economical activities Vladimirov, L.V.; Hristova, К.G. Article 378233663 -1347999632
2016 Improving e-government as one of the preconditions for economic development Skyba, M.V. Article 1270784656 -2056713209
2017 Improving of intellectual property marketing management in the agrarian sphere of region Мakhnusha, S.M. Article -27556991 -2143868979
2015 Industrial systems ecologization as an urgent need and necessity of modern development Tarayevska, L.S.; Chychul, C.-M. M. Article 107384200 484633238
2016 Influence of leadership competences on the manager’s acitivities in hotel business Filipova, M.K. Article 1491144519 -1082180897
2016 Innovative development and factors affecting the innovative activity of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria Sotirova, A.O. Article 319736990 584139366
2016 Innovative prospects evaluation as a tool of managerial efficiency increase for complicated technical systems creation Vorotnikov, V.A. Article 18533149 8977541
2015 Innovative-marketing directions of recreational-tourism industry in Ukraine Shevchenko, Hanna Mykolaivna; Ivanova, T.E. Article -315551158 1242132981
2014 Internal marketing and talent management as integral elements of employer branding strategies Lazorko, K.; Zajac, M. Article -692932933 -1120129171
2016 International aspect of ecological innovations Shkola, Viktoriia Yuriivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Skoryk, V.V Article 48955549 593220239
2017 International competitiveness of Eastern European countries: importance of trade orientation and eurointegration Cherkas, N.I. Article -1331076472 -859546437
2014 International dimension of technological aspect of space economy Prokopenko, Olha Volodymyrivna; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Zhivko, Z. Article 1739361525 245759447
2015 International innovation networks as new stage of innovation development Krapyvnyi, Ivan Vasylovych; Omelianenko, Vitalii Anatoliiovych; Vernydub, Nataliia Oleksiivna Article 653561092 -1109734621
2016 Introduction of elements of accounting systems of foreign countries in accounting practice in Ukraine Shmatkovska, T.O. Article 115367834 96374730
2015 Jobless society – phenomenon of global economy Bilobrova, T.O.; Tul, S.I. Article -1083511886 1590172828
2015 Key factors of enterprise innovation activity Pichugina, M.A. Article -1174612687 -654508627
2015 Legal regulating problems in the lease contractual relations Sargsyan, S. Article -1913813899 1784200846
2014 Localization in the management of international ecological policy Kniazieva, T.V. Article 35115 37709