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Title Теоретико-методичні засади ринкових стратегій промислових підприємств
Authors Корнатовскі, Р.Б.
Keywords ринкова стратегія
ключові показники ефективності
управління ризиками
промислове підприємство
Market-oriented Strategy
key performance indicators
risk management
industrial enterprise
Type Synopsis
Date of Issue 2019
Publisher Сумський державний університет
Citation Корнатовскі, Р.Б. Теоретико-методичні засади ринкових стратегій промислових підприємств [Текст]: автореферат ... канд. екон. наук, спец.: 08.00.04 – економіка та управління підприємствами (за видами економічної діяльності) / Р.Б. Корнатовскі. - Суми: СумДУ, 2019. - 21 с.
Abstract У дисертації розроблено теоретичні та методичні засади формування ринкових стратегій на промислових підприємствах, уточнено категорії "ринкова стратегія", "маркетингова стратегія", "стратегічно ринковоорієнтована діяльність підприємства", окреслено концептуальні засади побудови ринкової стратегії підприємства, обгрунтовано внутрішні та зовнішні передумови ефективності розробки ринкової стратегії промислових підприємств, формалізовано процеси точкового та інтервального оцінювання ризиків формування та реалізації ринкової стратегії промислового підприємства, запропоновано методичні засади визначення рівня ефективності прийнятих управлінських рішень щодо реалізації ринкової стратегії промислового підприємства, розроблено підхід до вибору ринково-орієнтованої стратегії промисловим підприємством з урахуванням рівня ризику його діяльності та ефективності прийнятих стратегічних управлінських рішень.
In the thesis the theoretical and methodical foundations of formation of market strategies at industrial enterprises are developed, the categories "Marketoriented Strategy" and "Marketing Strategy" are specified. Thus, it is proved that a marketing strategy is a functional strategy in which the components of the marketing complex are the object of purposeful influence. Instead, the Marketoriented Strategy is a more comprehensive one, that is a business strategy. The author's view on the concept of "a strategic market-oriented activity of the enterprise" has been formed. It is proposed to understand it as a system of interrelated management measures to achieve strategic business targets, developed and implemented at the enterprise based on a complex interpretation of information obtained through a deep and comprehensive analysis of stakeholders of the entity, its external and internal factors. The conceptual foundations of building the enterprise’s market-oriented strategy have been determined, which takes into account: a clear list of internal and external prerequisites that affect the meaningful design of the enterprise’s market-oriented strategy; unity and coordination of the functional, process and structural projections of the formation of the market-oriented strategy of an economic entity; the latest principles of accountability, multi-scenario and inclusiveness; methods for analyzing business processes, the business environment and efficiency/effectiveness. The list of principles of strategic market-oriented activity of industrial enterprises is supplemented by new ones that correspond to the current trends of economic thought development and world economic relations, in particular: accountability - the development of a market strategy should be carried out in agreement with and taking into account the interests and proposals of the main groups of stakeholders of the enterprise; multi-scenario - an enterprise's marketoriented strategy should envisage several development alternatives (pessimistic, realistic, optimistic) in order to have the most comprehensive vision of longterm development prospects; inclusivity – involvement of consumers of enterprise products in the process of forming its strategy (through a system of questionnaires and surveys). The internal and external prerequisites for the effectiveness of developing a market-oriented strategy for industrial enterprises are justified, which allows determining the most relevant, in terms of meeting internal key performance indicators, external conditions/factors that influence the formation of a marketoriented strategy for an industrial enterprise, as well as providing a comprehensive analysis of internal and external prerequisites for the functioning of an enterprise using effective tools of economic and mathematical modeling. This creates the opportunity to form an adequate and scientifically grounded information base for the implementation of further stages of the formation and implementation of the market-oriented strategy of an economic entity. The processes of point and interval risk assessment of the formation and implementation of the market-oriented strategy of an industrial enterprise are formalized. The first is based on expert judgment, while the second is based on adaptation of the Inwood method by applying the inverse logarithmic curve. The alternative to choosing one of the two methods is determined by access to the analytical information base and the time range of the study. The methodological tools for determining the level of effectiveness of managerial decisions to implement the market-oriented strategy of an industrial enterprise have been improved. It is based on a cost-resource approach to the formation of the research base; alternative to taking into account a point or interval risk assessment of the implementation of the strategy and clearly identifying the timing of the analysis of the strategy implementation results. This allows choosing various options for the strategic development tools of an economic entity. An approach for choosing the market-oriented strategy by an industrial enterprise is developed taking into account the level of risk and the effectiveness of strategic decisions, which allows, depending on the quantitative parameters of the effectiveness of strategic decisions and the level of risk of market-oriented strategy implementation, to form a system of tools for the further development of the industrial enterprise. The results obtained provide a significant increase in the efficiency of strategic activity of enterprises, improvement of their market positions based on sound management decisions. The suggestions presented in this paper will help to solve the problems of management in the sphere of strategic activity of certain economic entities in the conditions of globalization of markets.
Appears in Collections: Автореферати


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