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Showing results 1 to 20 of 147
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2022 Innovation And Social Networks For Creating Social Value Lopez, B.S.; Caetano, I.M.S.; Alcaide, A.V. Article 17815056 5688021
2022 An Overview of The Fourth Industrial Revolution through the Business Lens Andrișan, G.; Modreanu, A. Article 1214979087 -243615060
2022 The Asian entrepreneurship core in COVID-19 period: value chains, specialized education, massive participation of women and strategic accompaniment Castro, F.A.O. Article 390083277 266580358
2022 How to Sustain Businesses in the Post-COVID-19 Era: A Focus on Innovation, Sustainability and Leadership Oe, H.; Yamaoka, Y.; Duda, K. Article 2113242036 2129359655
2021 Innovation Management, from Materiality Assessment to Sustainability Reporting, opening the Social Impact Black Box Suarez, B.; Vargas, A. Article -1337817980 1083734983
2021 Cybersecurity, An Axis On Which Management Innovation Must Turn In The 21st Century Fernando Alonso Ojeda, C. Article 460813647 -197636515
2021 Innovative Strategies For Social-Economic Development Financial Strategies In The Development Country. Chukwu, A.O.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -1557178643 57439398
2021 COVID-19 impact on the company’s development: a case of UNIT.City Mishenina, Halyna Anatoliivna; Kirichenko, D.; Puzemsky, V. Article -1725238120 -791340660
2021 A Qualitative Exploratory Observational Study: An Entrepreneurship Managers’ Emotional Intelligence and Impact on the Financial Organization’s Success in the United States Luncheon, A.; Kasztelnik, K. Article 893423109 705957879
2021 Transformational Educational Leadership and the Innovative Strategies Engaging Online Faculty for the Excellent Teaching Performance in the United States Matos, L.; Kasztelnik, K. Article -971854860 1807550139
2021 The Impact Of Marketing Innovation On The Performance Of Small And Medium Enterprises In Nigeria Yelmi, A.; Yahaya, Ya.; Muhammed, A. Article 1948265107 -2027860284
2021 Human Capital in Azerbaijan: Building Competitive Workforce Capacity for Industry 4.0. Zeynalli, L. Article -166262452 -1434957602
2020 Соціально-економічне управління в Неплюєвському братстві: освіта, що випереджала час Melnyk, Leonid Hryhorovych; Шевель, А.О.; Панченко, І.А.; Скрипка, Є.О.; Сєрік, Т.С. Article 660110 952796
2020 The Observational Socio-Economic Study and Impact on the International Innovative Leadership in the United States Kasztelnik, K.; Brown, D. Article 331436998 673552079
2019 Ефективність розумних енергомереж: китайський підхід Vakulenko, Ihor Anatoliiovych Article 2270054 2425098
2019 Correlational Study: Internal Auditing and Management Control Environment Innovation within Public Sector in the United States Kasztelnik, K.; Gaines, V.W. Article 1387645069 -562509474
2019 Діджиталізація освіти в Україні: зарубіжний досвід та вітчизняна перспектива впровадження Sukhonos, Viktor Volodymyrovych; Harust, Yurii Vitaliiovych; Шевцов, Я.А. Article -2005752606 1798388124
2018 The Effectiveness of Entrepreneurial Activities for Economic Development: A Route to Innovation and Job Generation Khan, Y. Article -172794171 1474951338
2018 Influence of innovation factor in economic dynamics in Europe Smoliy, L.; Revutska, A.; Novak, I. Article 108443650 769498533
2018 Innovation marketing to enhance competitiveness: case of Armenia and Ukraine Isahakyan, Sh.; Shkarupa, Olena Vasylivna Article -1446499979 1008177354