Browsing by Keywords корпоративне управління

Showing results 1 to 20 of 151
Issue Year Title Author(s) Type Views Downloads
2010 Anti-Crisis paradigms of corporate governance in banks: a new institutional outlook Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Fumiko T., ; Hosono K., Book 1574684237 1181096682
2023 Basel Agreements in the Efficiency of Algerian Banks Financial Evolution and Interdisciplinary Research Habiba, M. Article 12670 10269
2011 Basel Committee reforms and economic performance of Ukraine and Egypt Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Kostiuk, Dmytro Mykolaiovych; Говорун, Д.А.; Абдель-Бакі, М. Conference Papers 38363106 32973515
2005 Board Committee Practices in Ukraine Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Article 1462473078 -1277488964
2012 Board of directors and performance in italian banking groups Romano, G.; Ferretti, P.; Rigolini, A. Conference Papers 824613 839026
2005 Business innovations and structure of corporate ownership in Ukraine Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Article 464552606 325916588
2007 Canadian regulation of director nomination and assessment Leblanc, R. Conference Papers 2695992 1713257
2006 Corporate board practices Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Monograph -1640899157 1097109553
2020 Corporate Governance and Financial Reporting Quality: Preliminary Evidence from Saudi Arabia Al-Khonain, S.; Al-Adeem, K. Article 1463409555 151443863
2021 Corporate Governance And Its Effect On Professional Performance In Palestinian Private Universities, In Light Of Quality, Accreditation, And Classification Requirements Buhaisi, I.; Damagh Al, Z. Article 1258363725 1076924399
2013 Corporate governance and market positions of european bank holding companies Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Рябіченко, Д.О.; Федірко, Т.В.; Mozghovyi, Yaroslav Ivanovych Conference Papers 758868 762756
2011 Corporate governance and performance: stakes on ownership? Empirical research of the Ukrainian banks Kostiuk, O.M.; Govorun, D.; Neselevska, O.; Iefymenko, V.; Gyrba, O.; Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Article -1247685257 274447362
2018 Corporate Governance and profitability: Evidence from Indian IT companies Prusty, T.; Waleed, M. Al-ahdal Article -1661991984 749901862
2013 Corporate Governance as a Factor of Investment Attractiveness of Ukraine Kondrunina, K.Y. Article -595479007 1625186724
2010 Corporate governance in banking sector in transition economy: the role of ownership structures Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych Article 478841936 572570291
2007 Corporate governance in banking sector of Latin America: basic recommendations Apreda, R. Conference Papers 227540989 96281154
2010 Corporate governance in banks of Ukraine Kostiuk, Oleksandr Mykolaiovych; Govorun, D; Kondrunina, K. Book chapter 1884557924 1937411124
2007 Corporate governance in commonwealth caribbean banks Bowrin, A. Conference Papers 43745973 12348572
2012 Corporate governance performance measures: is the right time for getting essentials reconsidered? Lieonov, Serhii Viacheslavovych; Brychko, Maryna Mykhailivna; Хоменко, О.В.; Ніколаєва, К.В. Article 1276339807 1307182699
2011 Corporate governance regulation in banks in the context of crisis: the role of the National bank of Ukraine Mozghovyi, Yaroslav Ivanovych; Kondrunina, Kateryna Yuriivna; Ratnykova, Iu.; Skidan, D. D. Article -1825660916 1838351079